40. With the moon comes danger

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Needless to say Gryffindor absolutely crushed Slytherin in the final match of the season.
Harry caught the snitch whilst Gryffindor had a strong lead meaning that in the end the scores were 230-20 in Gryffindors favour. Therefore Gryffindor won the Quidditch Cup which of course Flint hasn't forgiven Malfoy for yet blaming him personally for the house losing this year.

After a week in the infirmary I was given the all clear from Madam Pomfrey and she allowed me to join classes again and to sleep in my own bed. Whilst I had been staying in the infirmary groups of Gryffindor students had visited me all apologising about what had happened to me, it seems like no one knew it was going to happen which makes me feel slightly better.

Even Malfoy came to visit me on my last day in there. Thankfully Cedric has just left for the evening otherwise I'm not sure he would have allowed Malfoy to come near me. It was a weirdly awkward encounter between Malfoy and I but I'm glad it happened, it cleared the air that's for sure.

I lay in my bed in the hospital wing with my eyes staring above me, severe boredom has kicked in and I've taken to counting how many stones there are in the ceiling over my bed. Thankfully this is the last day I will have to spend in this uncomfortable bed, I don't think I've ever missed sharing a dorm with four other girls so much in my life.

"Hey" a withdrawn voice catches my attention and I sit up to see who it is.

Draco is awkwardly stood at the bottom of my bed with flowers in his hand and a sheepish look on his face.

"Hey Malfoy" I say pulling my knees to my chest.

"Umm is it alright if I come in?" Draco asks his eyes darting around the small curtained area.

"Yeah of course, you can take a seat in that chair if you want" I point to the chair next to my bed which Cedric has barely left for longer than five minutes. Thankfully he had to rush back to the common room as he has a study group with his fellow fifth years.

"Thanks" Draco walks over to the chair and lays the bouquet of flowers down onto my bed. "Here I got these for you, my mother always taught me it was proper to bring a lady flowers if they're feeling under the weather."

I smile and take the flowers "oh thanks Malfoy. That's very kind of you but it wasn't necessary, I'm sure your mother raised you well." My voice is tense and my words feel forced as I feel the awkwardness fall over us like a thick blanket.

Draco laughs shortly "no she didn't. If she had raised me well I would have never have thought to call you a slut."

I feel myself flinch as he uses the word, I nod my head in agreement as I stare at the white curtain behind him "I'm not sure you can blame that on your mother though."

Draco sighs "you're right, technically actually it would be my fathers thought."

A heavy silence falls between us as I think about what he just said.

"I'm sorry Angelica." Draco leans forward and looks deeply into my eyes "I'm so sorry, I have no excuse for the way that I reacted that night. It was ridiculous of me and I don't know what came over me. When I heard how those three boys hurt you I felt so angry, regardless of what I may say or do I care about you."

I smile slightly "Draco it's okay. I accept your apology thank you, I don't know if I'm ready to entirely forgive and forget yet but I promise I'll work on it."

Draco smiles and reaches for my hand "thanks Potter. No matter who we are dating I want us to be friends, I feel like we understand each other sometimes in a weird way and I need that right now."

I squeeze his hand once before letting go "it's no bother Draco. We can most definitely be friends, but for now I really do need to sleep. I'll be back in the common room tomorrow though."

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