16. "Fly good Potter"

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September soon passes by in a blur without anything overly entertaining happening. Snape harshly gave me a bunch of detentions for my behaviour in Lockhart's class, I also had to apologise to the narcissistic Defence against the Dark Arts Professor which was nauseating enough. Of course he accepted and I have been forced to sit through every one of his lessons ever since.

For the last month there has been a certain day that I have been waiting for since school started. I had started to give up hope and thought that perhaps it wasn't in the cards for me this year. That was until one Saturday in the first week of October.

"Potter! Oi Potter" I wake up to Marcus Flint's troll like face standing over me and shaking my shoulder.

I sit upright holding the duvet against my chest "Flint! What the hell are you doing in the girls dorm? How did you even get in here?" I glare at the boy suddenly very conscious of the fact that all I am wearing is one of Harry's old hand me down shirts which hangs just above my knees.

"What do you think I'm doing waking you up at four o'clock in the morning genius?" He looks at me breaking out into a smile.

My eyes finally adjust to the dark and my eyes land on the object in Flints hand as my heart starts to beat quickly. A smile quickly makes its way on to my face and I feel relieved that the day is finally here.

I jump out of bed suddenly forgetting what I am wearing and hug the Quidditch captain tightly as I let out a shaky laugh. I step away from him and smile even wider as I breath out slowly "quidditch season".

After I had pulled on my quidditch uniform that Flint left on my bed for me I grab my Nimbus 2000 and run into the common room to come face to face with my same teammates from last year. They all cheer and pat me on the back bidding me good mornings.

"Right everyone now you're all here listen up" Flint stands in front of us and gets our attention as a wicked smile makes its way on to his face.
"We have a new recruit this year" Flint tells us all. I hold my breath and suddenly become very worried that I may be bumped from the team and made into a reserve.

The rest of my teammates shift uncomfortably also clearly worried that they will receive the same fate. Flint ignores the worried looks on all of our faces and carries on "now I have done some private try outs with our new player who will be taking Prewett's spot as chaser seeing as she has left. I also won't be holding anymore trials for new players as I already know I have the best team I could possibly have already."

The team collectively lets out a breath of relief and the air in the room already feels lighter.
"Don't let that cause you to slack though okay?" He shouts at us his face serious.

We nod back in response silently agreeing to give it our all this year.

"Right now that the motivational speech is out of the way I want you all to give a very warm welcome, but not that warm seeing as we don't want Snape waking up and giving us a bollocking, to our very latest player...DRACO MALFOY" Flint yells at us all as he claps his hands loudly and the team joins in.

Malfoy comes slinking out of the shadows and stands next to Flint in the middle of the common room. The boy is already dressed in his quidditch uniform as he stands proud and tall with his chest puffed out. I clap along with the team and offer Malfoy a small smile as he catches my eye.

"Right now lets get down to the pitch and start practicing" Flint waves us all forward and we begin following him.

"Actually" Malfoy's voice stops us all and Flint looks down at him curious.

The blonde boy throws us all his signature smirk and carries on addressing us "I actually have something for you all. Once Marcus told me that I was accepted on to the team I immediately wrote and told my father of course, who as you can imagine was over the moon with the news."

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