"Hello?" I call out to the house around me. A stale air suffocates me slightly as I step onto the thick carpet, dust particles fly about slowly and the house has that weird empty smell to it.
They must be away, I walk into the kitchen and open the large fridge door. Only one way to tell if the Dursley's are out of town and that's to look it the fridge is empty. Considering that the fridge is always packed to the brim when Dudley is around the fact that all that's inside is a pot of butter and a single bottle of beer it's safe to say no ones home.
Thank fuck.
Dragging my trunk upstairs along with Moodys cage I let him out to wonder around the house freely. Being alone in the house doesn't make it anymore comfortable however, perhaps it isn't the presence of the Dursley's but just the house itself which causes this awful tight feeling in my chest.
I look at the small watch on my wrist and see it's nearly eight o'clock at night, far too late to travel to Sirius but too early to go to bed. How can I get in contact with him? I don't have an owl, I can't use magic and clearly the floo network isn't safe not that I have access to any powder anyway.
Wow I really did not think this through at all, how am I even going to get back to school without floo powder?
Sirius will help me work it out when I see him, I'm sure he will have some amazing solution.
"Hey Moody" reaching down I pet softly behind his ears, purring he wraps himself around my legs. "Guess it's just you and me for tonight then buddy."
Falling back I lay on my bed fully dressed, I need to think of a way to get a message to Sirius so he doesn't worry. I lay in the dark of my room as Moody climbs up onto the bed curling up besides me. Listening to his purrs I begin to feel my eyes drift slowly close, it's fine I'll only close them for a few minutes.
"Mmph" I roll over into a large ball of fur, breathing in quickly from the shock I feel a bunch of hair flying in my mouth. "Eurgh" opening my eyes I wipe dramatically at my tongue as I look down on Moodys curled up form "really? You had to sleep on my pillow as well? The rest of the bed wasn't enough space for you huh?" I can't help but smile at his blue eyes that look up at me expectantly.
The sun shines in through a small gap in my curtains illuminating the room.
The sun?
Crap. Crap. Crap.
Jumping up I quickly pull my uniform off and pull open my trunk violently. How could I sleep all through the night, Sirius must be so worried about me. I pull on a pair of jeans, an old t-shirt and a checked shirt that was most likely Cedric's over the top. Grabbing my trainers and my wand I hurry downstairs with my hair all over my face.
"Moody I'm going out. Be good, I'll be back tonight okay?" Pulling on my trainers as I hold my wand in my mouth I grab a key from the drawer in the hallway before running out of the house and slamming the door shut behind me.
My feet hit against the road heavily as I shove my wand into the back of my jeans, it's too risky to get The Knight Bus seeing as all eyes are currently on me in the wizarding world. Instead I move impatiently as I wait for the muggle bus instead, when it finally arrives I place down muggle coins and grab my paper ticket taking a seat at the back of the bus.

The Last Riddle
FanfictionWhat is it that makes a person good? Is it who they are, or how they are raised? The people around me are a mixture of good and bad, my twin brother Harry is the good and the Dursley's? Well they are the bad. If Harry and I have the same parents s...