76. All we can do is try

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"I can't do it" I sigh heavily leaning my head back against the arm of the sofa behind me.

Draco picks my legs up as he sits down placing them back across his lap, smirking at me he grabs a book from his bag opening it onto my legs. "You really need to stop complaining every five minutes, its doing my head in." His face is serious but I can see the humour in his eyes as he turns back to his book.

"I can't! I've been revising for weeks now and we still have another month till our O.W.L.S, why do I have an urge to succeed?" I sigh dramatically "why can't I just be happy with being subpar?" I sit up and and flutter my eyelashes mockingly at Draco "show me your ways Draco Malfoy, tell me how to be ordinary and of medium intelligence just like you."

Draco rolls his eyes turning away from his book to glare at me "I think you'll find I'm in the top three percent of our year you dick."

I chuckle as I lay back down picking up my potions textbook, for the first time ever I really wish something dramatic and unnecessary would happen so we don't have exams this year. It worked in the past, and it almost always involved Harry saving the school. What are the chances of that happening this year?

"What are you thinking about?" My eyes come back into focus as I glance up at Draco, he's watching me with his eyebrows pulled together.

Shrugging I dismiss him "oh nothing, just exams."

As much as I know Draco wouldn't care what I'm thinking about its still odd to admit you were hoping for a horrible event to occur just so your exams are cancelled.

"Come on we better start patrol its nearly midnight and the other prefects will be finishing up." I stand up leaving my books where they are on the sofa, no point moving them as I'll be back here revising in just a few hours.

Draco nods in agreement standing up besides me, we walk the castle in  comfortable silence with a few talking points occasionally. Night time patrols with him are quickly becoming the best part of my day, to be alone in his company with no pressure feels like true bliss. Especially when the hours of my day are full of stressful anxiety about our exams. As we walk besides each other its as if time is standing still for us and us only, that the rest of the world is passing us by but together we exist alone.

His company fills me with warmth and this full feeling in my stomach, occasionally our knuckles brush against one another and an electric current passes through my body. Even just a second of contact between us lights my body up as if lightening itself has shocked me.

My nights for weeks are full of this comfortable silence with occasional tension. Our friendship remains the same but in everyway it feels as if Draco is my boyfriend, we spend every second together, we sit together and some part of our bodies are touching constantly. Whether it be our knees, our knuckles or even our arms. Its a relationship in everyway except we never kiss, we never flirt and it is purely platonic.

Merlin I want him so bad it almost hurts at times, but no matter how many hints I seem to throw Draco either ignores them or misses them and things stay normal between us. Just friends, that's all we are now.

Having successfully made it through all of my exams bar my final history of magic one tomorrow, along with everyone else I'm in the mood to party. It's been weeks since we've had a party in the common room, everyone's been too focused on their tests.

Draco and I have been stuck in this platonic friendship for weeks now and with summer soon approaching I've decided to not spend any more time focusing on it, what's the point?

"You ready for tonight Ang?" Montague stands in the common room unloading a crate of fire whiskey.

I walk over to him standing besides him "oh yeah, I'm desperate for it."

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