30. Tutor me

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"It's the second week of school and you've barely taken your head out of that book Ang." Blaise sighs as he lays stretched out in a leather armchair.

I look around the common room and lean closer to him "look I know, but I'm really struggling with charms this year. Flitwick even told me that I am not doing as well as I should be. Do you realise how rare it is for me to not succeed at something?"

Blaise smiles "look we can't all be amazing at everything, it's okay if you're struggling. But clearly those books aren't helping you, go to Flitwick and just ask him for some extra help."

I sigh "eurgh fine you're right. I'll go now, but I swear to Merlin if he makes me pair up with Granger I'll leave school."

Blaise laughs as he waves me away resting his head back on the arm and closing his eyes. I grab my charm books into my arms and walk out of the common room. I have a free period and instead of just spending it in the library as I usually would I had decided to spend it in the common room, I was now regretting that decision as it meant I had even further to walk to the charms classroom.

By the time I had reached it thankfully the previous lesson had just ended and I was able to slip inside whilst students were just leaving.

"Professor Flitwick" I call out stopping the short teacher from what he was doing.

He turns to me and his eyes light up when he spots me "ahh Miss Potter! Anymore luck with those charms you've been struggling with?"

I shake my head and look at my feet ashamed "no Sir I haven't I'm afraid" I speak in a quiet voice annoyed at myself "I've tried everything I can think of but is no use. For some reason I'm just not taking them in like I usually would."

Flitwick walks over to me and smiles up at me "that's okay to admit Miss Potter, all students struggle with something."

"Not Granger" I mutter under my breath annoyed.

Flitwick laughs quietly "it does you no good to compare yourselves to other students you know?" He begins to walk to his desk and sits behind it. "How about this I will think of some students who I think may be useful in tutoring you and during our lesson at the end of the day I shall get you in contact with them okay?"

I smile thankfully at my kind teacher "thank you sir."

I walk towards the door of the classroom feeling slightly better.

"Oh and Miss Potter."

Flitwicks voice causes me to stop and turn to face my teacher.

"Yes sir?"

"From what Professor Trelawney tells me, Miss Granger doesn't seem to be able to grasp the art of divination." He nods his head at me "so see, not everyone can master everything okay?"

I smile widely as I turn back to walk out of the classroom "thank you Sir."

My last lesson of the day flies around quickly and soon enough I am walking back into my charms classroom again. This time Blaise is sat next to me gazing out of the window uninterested in what Flitwick is teaching the class. I take notes and listen carefully hoping to finally grasp what is happening alone before Flitwick has the chance to assign me a tutor. Feeling a deep desire to prove myself I try my very hardest this lesson putting my all into mastering the freezing spell.

Blaise watches me with his eyebrow raised looking slightly worried "Ang you have to slow down, you are going to end up freezing yourself if you carry on like this."

I shake my head at him as my eyes begin to water "what is it Blaise? What is it that I am doing wrong? I never struggle with anything academic like this usually, I just don't understand."

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