78. A familiar father

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"Come back here!" Harry's voice echoes around me as we reach the main entrance of the ministry.

"I killed Sirius Blaaack!" The woman's laughter comes out like a shrill as she continues running her heels hitting the floor loudly.

I turn the corner to see Harry running with his wand pointed at the woman's back, her black hair flying after her like a cape.

"Crucio!" Harry's voice is strained as he spits the spell out, the woman's laughter soon turns into screams of pain.

"Harry no" I run forwards grabbing at his arm pulling his wand from his hand "what the fuck are you doing?" I stare at him bewildered, since when did he use the unforgivable curses?

Harry turns to me his face full of anger, his green eyes alive with the pain and torment in his mind. He grabs his wand back from me violently pointing it at the woman who lays on the floor looking up at us.

"What the fuck are you doing Angelica? Are you forgetting that this woman" he turns to glare at the woman as he spits his words out "this woman just killed Sirius." He raises his wand "she deserves this. She deserves to die. Crucio."

The spells shoots from his wand and has an instantaneous effect on the woman who lets out a soft scream.

"Harry you need to stop" I grab his hand once again "this isn't you." I feel exhaustion take my body over as I beg him with my eyes "please just stop this."

"What's that?" Harry stares at me his eye wide as he looks around us "Ang what is that feeling?"

I furrow my eyebrows as I look around me not sure what he's talking about, suddenly a feeling passes through my body. A warm, connected and whole feeling.

"It's so cold" Harry grabs my arm as he looks around terrified "I feel so cold."

I slide his hand off my arm as I hold my wand in my hand, it isn't cold. What's he talking about? It's like a summer warmth, like a feeling of something finally being right in your life.

"Crucio" I hear the words before I am aware of anything else.

The woman beneath me screams her body contorting and twisting, her screams sound all around us ten times louder than they were before.

The warm complete feeling only grows within me, every scream of hers making me feel stronger, better, more in control.


The voice is distant as I smile down slightly at the woman, she's screaming so much it's almost funny. Her body seems to be moving in ways that shouldn't really even be possible. Why is she screaming?

I look away from her and instead down at my hand, my wand is raised and pointed at the woman the power from it almost visible.

"Angelica" hands grab my shoulders roughly pulling me away from the woman to instead face the wall. Harry appears in front of me his face sweaty and pale, I feel my vision come back into focus as I look at him.

"What? What's wrong?" My voice is hoarse and I can feel the warmth leaving me. The coldness from before, the hole Sirius has left, it's all coming back to me. The pain, oh Merlin the pain.

"Why were you doing that? Why didn't you stop when I said to? You were fucking smiling Angelica." Harry's words are clipped as he stares down at the woman, she lays sobbing her hair hanging over her face.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes "Harry you just said she deserves to die what's the big deal? Let's just kill her." I clench my wand tighter in my hand and point it at the woman "I'll do it."

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