20. Snakes shouldn't speak

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After Snape left me alone in the infirmary Madam Pomfrey told me I was free to go back to my common room now that my ribs have healed.

I pull my quidditch kit back on seeing as it was all I have with me except from the hospital pyjamas and begin my walk down to the dungeons slowly. My mind is still racing with the information Snape had told me last night. First I see Harry and Dobby talking together and then a student is attacked? Is it completely ridiculous of me to suspect my brother? I'm sure that even he would admit that right now the evidence is stacked up against him.

I make it to the Slytherin common room and enter with my head bowed down in concentration.


I hear a loud yell and look up to see my quidditch captain running towards me, he picks me up and spins me around twice.

"I can not sing your praises enough Potter, catching the snitch the way you did was incredible!" Flint laughs loudly letting me down and slapping me hard on my back.

I cough at the impact and throw him a very pained smile "yeah thanks Marcus" I splutter out heading to the entrance to the girls dorms feeling slightly winded from that greeting.

I slip in to my room and pull the dirty kit off of my body replacing it with my own comfortable clothes after taking a long bath. I brush my hair and pull it into a very rough ponytail and then lay down on my bed closing my eyes. All I want to do is sleep all through the day but I know that Blaise will kill me if he finds out I'm back and not making an effort to find him.

I groan loudly as I pull myself off of the bed and walk back in to the common room with my wand and a book on potions in my hand. I take a seat on a sofa in the middle of the common room, so that if Blaise is to walk past me he will see me clearly and I won't have to go around looking for him, and I settle in to reading my book. I make it through three whole chapters before I hear a familiar voice calling out to me from the entrance to the boys dorms.

"Angelica!" I dart my head up and my face breaks into a wide smile when I make eye contact with Blaise.

He hurries to the sofa I am sat on and throws himself down next to me "I didn't know you were out yet, why didn't you come find me you idiot?" He narrows his sharp eyes at me and throws me a glare his mother would be proud of.

"Trust me I wanted to but my body is still sore from yesterday. Not to mention Marcus winded me earlier when he was talking about us winning the match." I dramatically let out a loud sigh as I try to illustrate to my best friend just how tired I am.

Blaise laughs softly "fine you are forgiven. Now how are your ribs feeling?"

"Forget my ribs" I lean closer to him and lower my voice "I have news."

I explain to Blaise how Harry was visited by a house elf last night and then how a student was attacked just like how Mrs Norris was. We sit for a long time exchanging theories on what we think is happening.

Blaise leans back in to the sofa and shoots me a concerned look "something is definitely building up to happen here and I do not like it one bit."

I throw a nervous look back at my best friend as I nod in agreement. Hogwarts is not safe and we are all in danger that much is certain. The worst part is I think this is only the beginning.

Blaise and I spend the rest of our Sunday sitting and catching up on homework together and soon it is Monday again. The day passes by uneventfully with the news of Colin Creevey, the first year who was petrified, being the main topic of conversation for most people. Everywhere I travel within the castle that day someone is talking about the poor boy and who could possibly be to blame.

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