6. Twins and teams

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Days pass and Flint has not relented during training, in fact I think he may have got worse as the days went on. Not to mention the disgusting rain and wind makes it nearly impossible to even stay on our brooms for long.

The Slytherin and Gryffindor game is soon approaching so of course I understand why he's being so tough, but training from morning to night in the freezing rain is not something I enjoy.

One of the positives of being on the Slytherin team is that my fellow house mates no longer glare at me constantly. In fact most of them treat me with mild respect, I think Flint may have had a word with some of them.

Blaise has been my rock during these days of hell, he sits in the stands cheering me on and always makes sure he has a hot cup of tea or hot chocolate for me after practice. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I need to be just as good as Harry, if not better. Losing against him is not an option.

Speaking of my twin brother when I told him that I had earned my place onto the team he hadn't been overly enthusiastic at first.

Six days ago.

Who would have thought it? I think to myself as I run back with my broom in my hand, who would have thought that I'd make the team this early. Somehow I smashed tryouts and I'm officially a Slytherin quidditch player.

I run from the pitch at fall speed, as I turn the corner out of the stand I see Blaise standing waiting for me with a wide smile on his face.

I run to him dropping my broom by his feet, our arms circle each other as we laugh happily together.

Blaise picks me up by my waist spinning me around "I was watching your tryout, my god Angelica you were incredible. I've never seen a first year fly so well!" He exclaims finally letting my go.

He throws his arm around my shoulder and we head up to the castle "I'm so proud of you Potter" he holds my broom for me as he pushes my shoulder playfully and I nudge him back laughing.

"Jeez thanks Zabini" I roll my eyes at him but can't stop the massive grin on my face "I can't believe I made it, and that I took Flints ribbon off his broom. I can't wait to tell Harry."

Blaise laughs "not to mention shove it down Malfoy's throat right?"

I hadn't even thought about Malfoy but suddenly I'm even happier if that is even possible.

I head towards Gryffindor tower in search for Harry and Blaise leaves me telling me he will wait for me in the common room as he doesn't fancy the company the tower keeps. I roll my eyes at him and wave him goodbye and continue on towards the tower.

I arrive at the fat lady's painting and sit outside on the steps waiting for a Gryffindor to walk past so they can fetch Harry for me. I can feel the fat lady's painting shooting me death looks and I ignore her instead focusing on picking the dried mud off my boots.

After what seems like hours but I'm sure is just ten minutes I see Wood walking towards me with a group of fifth years. The other fifth years step over me ignoring me and head into their common room after whispering the password to the fat lady. Wood however stops in front of me and looks down at me amused.

"Quidditch tryout I assume?" He gestures towards my broom and muddy boots.

I nod my head enthusiastically "it was amazing Oliver. I've never experienced a rush like it and the tryouts were so hard I couldn't believe it."

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