48. Thunder stealer

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"Well what was she like?" I chew my apple crumble as I watch Cedric across the table from me.

He shrugs avoiding my eyes as he stares down at his pudding, his friends who are sat with us at the Hufflepuff table lose interest and turn away.

"Oh come on Cedric" I groan kicking his shin gently under the table "why won't you tell me what she was like?"

Cedric shifts in his seat before looking up at me finally, his cheeks are slightly pink as he sighs "fine" he clears his throat "she was fine you know? Just your normal reporter, she took some pictures of the four of us and then interviewed us one on one. It really wasn't anything that interesting."

I roll my eyes annoyed that he isn't giving me any good details, today the four champions were interviewed by Rita Skeeter the famous wizarding journalist. I have read her articles religiously for the past few years, no matter who she is interviewing she always seems to have the inside scoop. Cedric of course knows how much I idolise her but yet he has barely said more than two sentences on what happened during his interview.

Harry walks past me with Hermione and Ron, he stops across from me gesturing for his friends to continue on without him.

"Hey Ang" he smiles down at Cedric "oh hey, can I join you both?"

I nod my head as Cedric simply just shrugs again. I narrow my eyes at his rudeness before turning towards Harry as he sits on the bench beside Cedric.

"Harry, how was your interview? Cedric is barely telling me anything interesting, what was Rita Skeeter like?" I put my fork down as I stare at my brother.

Harry laughs running a hand through his messy hair "oh yeah I can imagine why Cedric isn't telling you" Harry chuckles as he leans forward "she is absolutely mental Ang, I mean seriously she was so skittish and forward the whole time. I heard Krum muttering that she was probably on drugs and I actually think I agree, she would touch us all far too much and whisper in our ears. She was a freak!"

Cedric groans as he leans his head in his hands.

I laugh loudly looking between the two boys "seriously? But she always seems so put together and intelligent in her writing. Did she interview you alone?"

Cedric groans again loudly "oh Merlin please do not make me relive it."

Harry even pales slightly "um yeah she did, she dragged me into this broom closet and sat me down on a mop bucket. She kept saying that I was twelve years old and repeatedly asked me questions about mum and dad."

I tilt my head to the side confused "wait what? Our mum and dad?"

Harry nods "yeah she really played onto that whole orphan thing you know, think she thought I entered the tournament as some kind of rebellion against the system."

I laugh slightly "wow" I turn to look at Cedric who is rubbing a hand along his jaw "what did she ask you in yours Ced?"

He sits up straighter slightly as he takes a deep breath "oh Merlin what didn't she ask. She asked about my family, about my grades and then finally asked if I was dating someone. When I said that I was dating you she seemed over the moon, kept going on about how attractive our babies would look and then asked if we had any plans to have babies yet."

Harry and I stare wide eyed at Cedric, I shake my head "and what did you say?"

Cedric looks at me his eyebrows drawn together "well obviously I said fuck no! She just laughed at this and winked at me though, after that it was a lot of inappropriate questions and stroking of my face with her quill. I finally had to walk out after she asked me if we were using protection, I thought I'd better leave before I ended up hexing her."

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