5. Flying and falling

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Blaise looks sideways at me as I shift in my chair in the common room.

"Are you still worried about your brother?"

I nod as I close the book in front of me "hat if they locked him in the dungeon Blaise?" I look at him terrified "or what if they have some sort of whip or cane they use on bad students?"

Blaise puts his hand on my shoulder "they don't use any punishment like that here anymore Angelica. You're letting your imagination cloud your judgement. He probably just got detention nothing more."

I sigh and nod my head.

"Come on let's go to dinner, maybe Harry is already there and you can talk to him." Blaise stands up walking from the common room and I walk besides him playing with my hair nervously.

We walk into the hall together and Blaise offers me an encouraging smile before heading to the Slytherin table.

I look over towards the Gryffindors looking for Harry, I scan the table back and forth. My eyes land on the back of a ginger set of hair that I know can only belong to a Weasley.

I walk over, I stand just behind Ron as he talks animatedly to another Gryffindor.

"Can you believe it? He didn't get in trouble or anything, instead he's been rewarded really!"

I tap Ron on the shoulder gently.

He turns around and smiles widely when he sees me "hey Angelica!"

"Hi Ron" I give him a small smile "where's Harry?"

Ron laughs "he's with Wood. Slimy bugger."

"Huh?" I raise my eyebrows "what are you talking about?"

Ron laughs again "didn't you hear?"

I shake my head "is he in trouble?"

"Ha! Hardly! Can you believe it? McGonagall got him and took him straight to Wood. That's where he still is."

I resist rolling my eyes "Ron who or what the hell is Wood? Can you just tell me what's happened."

"I'm sorry!" He smiles widely "look there he is now, I'll let him tell you himself!" He points to the back of the hall where Harry is walking in his head down.

"Harry!" I run towards him quickly my heart banging in my chest. Why isn't he looking up? Is he covered in bruises or cuts?

I reach him and wrap my arms tightly around his neck squeezing tightly.

"Hmhp Ang?" He stumbles backwards his breath knocked out of his body.

"Are you okay?" I pull his head up looking over his skin and into his green eyes.

"I'm fine!" He bats my hands away playfully "why?"

"Ron said McGonagall used a wood against you? What does that mean? Did she hit you?"

Harry laughs loudly and points to an older boy sat at the table eating a sausage "that's Wood."

The boy looks up at his name and offers me a kind smile and wave "you alright mate? Great news about your brother isn't it?"

I look to Harry "come on spit it out! What is happening?"

He smiles widely "I'm going to be a seeker."

My mouth drops open "what?" I look down at his muddy sports clothes "on the Gryffindor team?"

He nods "yeah! Can you believe it! I'll be the youngest one for a bloody century."

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