60. I dont know who I am

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"A student...a student has been killed."

"Who is it? Is it the Potters?"

"Get everyone away, get them away!"

"NO, my son! That's my boy!"

"Angelica, Angelica you have to let go now dear."

Looking around at the panicked faces I clutch onto Cedric even tighter, knowing that these will be my last ever moments with him only strengthens my grip.

"Harry come on boy" someone seems to lift Harry from besides me until he is standing up, his face is pale and his shirt is covered in both mud and blood. Merlin knows what I must look like.

Harry stumbles back as Dumbledore stands in front of him, Harry's glasses are broken and his hair is a mess. He looks around his eyes full of tears "it was Voldemort Professor" Harry stares straight at me "it was Voldemort who killed Cedric. The same Voldemort who killed my parents" the crowd has grown mostly silent except from Amos who is crying into Molly Weasley's arms. Harry continues on his voice now louder "it was Voldemort who killed Cedric Diggory. He is back and he did this, he did this to him." Harry steps towards me now his face livid "for thirteen years I have thought you were my sister, I was raised thinking you were my twin!"

Dumbledore places a hand on Harry's shoulder "Harry this isn't the place."

Harry shakes off his hand however and turns to the old man "did you know? Did you know all along that she was really Voldemort's daughter?"

People in the crowd begin to yell out in shock, words are thrown back and forth as Harry is pulled away from the crowd.

Snape steps towards me grabbing onto my arm "come on Angelica, you need to get out of here now." His voice is as serious as ever however the sense of urgency in his tone is what makes me finally let go of Cedric.

Looking down at his body one last time, I push myself away and stand up shakily. Snape holds my arm tightly as he pulls me away from the now shouting crowd.

"She's Voldemort's daughter! I've been sitting in lessons with her for years!"

"Surely she should be locked up?"

The accusations follow me out of the stadium as Snape pulls me towards the dungeons. As we reach his office he sits me down in the chair behind his desk, standing besides it he looks down at me.

"What happened?" He pushes his long hair away from his face as he watches me.

"I-I don't even remember most of it, it was just terrifying. Cedric and Harry were there and then next second Cedric was dead, Voldemort was saying all these things to me and then Cedric was back in a ghost form and so was Lily and James." My voice is weak as I close my eyes trying to picture what happened.

"Lily Evans?" Snape's voice cracks slightly. "I mean Lily Potter? Lily and James Potter were there?"

I open my eyes nodding at my head of year "yes, they came out of Voldemort's wand. I really don't know what it was."

Snape just stays silent his eyes now fixed on a spot on the wall behind me.

I allow the memories of today to flood back "it was strange, as soon as Cedric was dead I just had this overwhelming need to be dead with him. The pain I felt was so strong it almost made me numb, when I looked down at his eyes I just felt nothing and everything at the same time."

Snape looks at me suddenly "I know, I know exactly what you must have felt. I have been in that same position, holding the lifeless body of the person I love the most. In that moment I just wanted to give up, I didn't see the point of living if she wasn't there. I knew deep down however that I owed her so much more than that, nothing would be gained by my dying the only thing that would change is that my pain would stop. I owed it to her to do so much more than that, to look after her loved one and to carry on what she had fought for."

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