29. Strange

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"Let me get this right, first you kissed Malfoy, then you were interrupted by Cedric Diggory who randomly showed up in London and then again you get interrupted by your brother and his trusty tag alongs?" Blaise sits opposite me in the Slytherin carriage with the largest smirk slapped across his face.

I glare out the window and press my forehead against the cool glass of the Hogwarts Express. I sigh as I look back towards Blaise "yes that is exactly what happened, thanks for making me relive it."

Blaise holds up his hands in defence as I glare at him "as if that wasn't bad enough" I slump into my seat as I finish telling him all about my summer. "I then had to spend the last week of summer with Ced and Poppy, we went to museums and galleries together. All of that was fine of course, except Cedric was acting really weird around me. He was permanently in a bad mood and really snappy with me."

Blaise rests his head in his hand as he raises an eyebrow "who even knew Hufflepuffs golden boy could be in a bad mood? I just assumed Hufflepuff put some drug in the air of the common room which makes them all nice and happy people."

"Ha ha." I groan as I look back out of the window annoyed with myself and Cedric. His mood really ruined my final week of summer, everyday we went to a new gallery or museum and Poppy and I had an amazing time. However whenever I tried speaking to Cedric he would just give me one word answers and avoid looking me in the eyes.

"Oh look here comes your new boyfriend" Blaise whispers as he laughs at me.

A set of footsteps stop next to our table within the carriage and I turn to see who has joined us. Malfoy looks down at the two of us with a plain expression on his face "Blaise, Potter, how are you both?" He asks formally as he remains standing.

Blaise shrugs his shoulders "same old Malfoy, want to join us?"

Malfoy shakes his head "can't Crabbe and Goyle are waiting for me at the end of the carriage but thanks." Without saying another word he spins on his expensive heel and walks away from us.

Blaise looks at me "hmm perhaps a bit too formal but at least he's acting normalish."

I close my eyes wishing that everyone would go back to treating me the same as before that dreaded night. About halfway through the journey and after I had finished the book I had bought with me to read, the sky around the train changes.

Blaise sits upright in his seat suddenly more alert as he looks outside, I do the same and notice the darkness that now hangs over us. Slowly before my very eyes ice begins to form in the corners of the windows and an icy chill passes through the carriage causing me to shiver.

I look around confused when suddenly the train comes to a sharp stop and people begin to gasp and stand up curious for the reason.

Malfoy stands from his seat and walks down to slide in to the seat next to me as he looks out the window expectantly "what the hell is happening?" He mutters as he reaches for his wand.

Doing the same I pull my wand and hold it in my shaking hand, at the same time the lanterns in the carriage suddenly blow out as if a draught has caught them. As the carriage is plunged into darkness students begin to scream and gasp audibly.

"Lumos" I mutter pointing the wand back to the window.

Blaise stares at me "what is this? What is happening?"

I shrug my shoulders in response, I turn back to the window and press my face against it.

"SHIT!" I yell out in fear as a bony, ghoulish hand slaps against the window. Malfoy grabs my arm as he stares at the creature looking in the window at us. A gaunt, skeletal body in a tattered cloak flies past the window.

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