46. Please Cedric

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It is now October the 30th and Cedric and I have barely said more than two words to each other since our argument in the library. The only times I even catch so much as a glimpse of him anymore are at meal times, even then he doesn't make eye contact with me instead he focuses his attention onto which ever girl is clinging to his arm that day.

"You can't sulk forever you know?" Blaise comments as he catches me staring at Cedric again.

I push my dinner plate away from me and instead hold my fork tightly in my hand "I'm not sulking Blaise" I snap at him before regretfully looking at him apologetically. "I'm sorry" I say as I offer him a small smile "I don't mean to snap at you."

Blaise waves his hand away "stop apologising, now remind me why you simply can not just walk across the hall and make up with him?"

I shrug my shoulders "he hasn't spoken to me either, he's avoiding me."

Blaise hums as he sips on his drink "you are both too stubborn it seems, now that I understand. Being stubborn and petty are my favourite hobbies, if you need any advice you know where I am."

I elbow him gently in the ribs "very funny."

Today should have been one of my most exciting days at Hogwarts, however the dark cloud over my head has ruined every moment for me.

Today was the day that the French and Bulgarian students arrived at our school, they made grand entrances before sitting down to eat with us all.

I mean for Merlin's sake my mood is so awful that it's making me annoyed with Viktor Krum who is sat opposite me. I mean? It's Viktor bloody Krum! Right now I should be drilling him for quidditch tips and stories about his career, however instead all I do is scowl at him for eating his dinner so loudly.

Sure the guy may be one of the best looking people I've ever seen up close, but the boy eats like a pig.

I look up from my plate and immediately my eyes drift towards Cedric, of course several of the Beauxbatons girls are laughing with him and fluttering their eyelashes.

"They're all so beautiful" I groan as I rest my chin in my hand.

"Yes they are" Blaise nods as he looks around the hall at them all.

"Seriously?" I turn to glare at him "you really think that's the right thing to say right now?"

Blaise rolls his eyes "do you want me to lie to you? Do you want me to pretend that these French beauties are not entirely exquisite and graceful? Would that make you happy?"

I screw my eyebrows together annoyed as I huff angrily "fine don't lie to me, it would be pointless anyway I can clearly see how striking they are."

One of the Beauxbaton students laughs loudly from besides Cedric, several students turn their heads towards the musical sound. Cedric leans into her as he laughs as well, she places her hand on his arm as they continue to talk with their heads close together.

I feel myself balling my hands into fists as I watch them both, Cedric looks up suddenly his eyebrows drawn together in confusion. He looks straight towards me as we make eye contact.

I relax my face as I try to look indifferent, Cedric leans slightly away from the girl besides him as he continues to watch me his face bewildered. I bite my bottom lip as I stop myself from looking away, instead Cedric suddenly scowls at me and looks down into his lap.

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