47. Sobs and sorry

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I hide for the rest of the day alone in my dormitory, of course word has quickly spread of how I hexed Felix in the corridor and the Slytherin girls in my year sit in the room laughing loudly with each other about it whilst ignoring me completely.

By five o'clock my stomach is rumbling loudly with hunger and my head is spinning with anticipation, tonight they will draw the three names from the Goblet of Fire. Cedric will or will not be the Hogwarts champion, either way I am sure he still hates me for what happened today. I force myself out of bed very reluctantly and head down to the great hall alone. Every student I seem to pass whether they are from Hogwarts, Durmstrang or Beauxbaton's, turns to stare at me their eyes wide.

I hold my wand tightly in my hand worried that a Hufflepuff will try to redeem their friend by hexing me, but of course that just isn't the Hufflepuff way. Merlin knows how Felix got into Hufflepuff, before I met him I assumed they were all patient and understanding. Obviously not, it seems that mean people can be anywhere and everywhere.

As soon as I step into the hall it seems as if half of the Hufflepuff table turn to watch me, their eyes are not cold or judgmental more disappointed. I mean seriously in a school of witches and wizards why is everyone acting like I killed him? I only used a harmless hex, god knows these kinds of arguments happen at least once a week here, why is it so shocking when I do it?

Sighing heavily I walk over to where Blaise is sat with his back leaning against the wall whilst facing all of the other tables, as I sit down heavily next to him he turns to me attempting to hide a smile.

"Sooo" he says dragging out the word dramatically "I heard that you had a fun day today."

I roll my eyes slightly "very funny, where did you hear about it?"

He laughs throwing his arm around my shoulders "oh mon cheri, where did I not hear it from." He chuckles again as he takes his arm away "I mean one minute I am peacefully doing my homework in the library and then next second, Draco has come running to me laughing his head off because you sent that stuck up Hufflepuff brat flying through the air."

Draco sits down across the table from us catching the end of Blaise's sentence, he joins in with Blaise's laughter as he shakes his head "seriously Angelica, I couldn't be prouder of you. That bloody Felix thinks he's Merlin's gift to man, he's a twat. I don't think I've ever met more of a snob in my life."

I smile slightly "wow Malfoy if you're calling him a snob he must be mad."

Draco stops laughing as he waves his hand dismissively "oh please, I have earned my right to be a snob. I come from generations of wealth and perfect breeding, that idiots father won the bloody lottery. Literally! He really won the muggle lottery the buffoon, they spend all their money on fancy materialistic things, in fact from what I've gathered they're close to being broke."

Blaise chortles loudly "lets see how far that dick gets without his daddy's money. He's an idiot who doesn't know basic spells, he's rude and manipulative and I'm pretty sure he buys all of his friends off with shiny new gifts."

I laugh along with Blaise and Malfoy holding a hand to my mouth to try to suppress the noise, heads turn to look at the three of us. I push my hair back and look up to see Cedric watching me his eyes slightly lighter than usual, the corner of his mouth flicks up slightly until he catches me watching him. Quickly he shakes his head, running a hand through his long hair and looks away to the front of the hall where Dumbledore is now standing besides the Goblet of Fire.

Dumbledore calls the hall to attention and slowly it creeps into a heavy silence, the blue light from the goblet illuminates the hall casting demonic shadows against the walls. Blaise grips my hand in his and I let out a thankful breath as I feel my heart begin to speed up.

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