53. He isn't worthy of you

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"Oh come on Blaise please? When have I ever had to beg you to attend a party. What's going on with you?" I stand at the foot of Blaise's bed in the Slytherin dormitories with my arms folded.

Blaise is laying on his bed with his pillow over his face "I just don't want to attend some lame Hogwarts party" his voice is muffled and his accent is even stronger than usual, it often is after he's spent time with his mother.

"It won't be lame! It's the New Years Eve party? The first time we've been able to attend it as well, plus the students from the other schools will be there." I sit down on the foot of his bed and reach my hand out to grasp his "come on be honest, what is this really about? You've been talking about finally being allowed to attend this party since first year, now that we are fourth years and we can finally go suddenly you don't want to."

Blaise slowly lifts the pillow from his face and I see his eyes are red.

My concern for him only grows as I feel my heart clench "what is it Blaise? What's upsetting you so much?"

Blaise sighs deeply as his eyes fill with tears again. He opens his mouth as he looks at me when suddenly a loud bang from behind us causes us both to jump.

Spinning round I see Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle kicking the door open as they all walk in laughing together. One by one they see me sat with Blaise and their faces drop.

I turn back round to look at Blaise to see his face is completely different from before, gone are his tears and red eyes and instead he is smirking in his typical fashion.

Malfoy walks over to the bed besides us and drops onto it smiling at us both "so this party tonight eigh? I'm over the moon that we can finally actually attend, that fucking ball was boring as hell. Slow dancing and punch? Yeah no thanks, I attend enough parties like that in my own manor."

Blaise laughs slightly his eyes avoiding mine "have you decided not to take a date to this one then Malfoy?"

Malfoy shakes his head "as if, you'd have to be an idiot to take a date to this thing. So many girls are going to be dying for a midnight kiss, they'll be fighting over me." 

Rolling my eyes I stand up "right well that's my cue to leave" I look down at Blaise one last time "I'll see you tonight?"

Blaise nods casually "I'll see you tonight."

I sigh slightly as I turn away from him and walk out of the boys dorm, chatter starts from behind me as Malfoy continues to talk about all the girls he is planning to kiss tonight.

"Wait Angelica" Blaise's voice carries after me and I hear his footsteps.

I stop walking and wait for him to reach me "what is it Blaise?"

He holds a medium sized black gift box in his hands which he passes to me "from my mother, she said Merry Christmas." Without another word Blaise leaves me in the corridor as he goes back to his dorm.

I carry the box to my own dorm and place it gently on the bed. Picking up the card stuck to the top I run my fingers over the embossed words written on it.

"Ma Cherie Angelica,

I have missed you greatly recently and saw this dress in a window of a boutique in Monaco and thought of you my angel. I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas and that I shall see you soon. Take photographs and have Blaise send them to me.

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