34. Dementor dilema

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Within a few days the Slytherin house has returned back to normal after Sirius Black's attempted break in. We were instructed to walk together when possible but it didn't seem like we were being restricted too much. Harry however complained to me how nothing felt normal for him or the Gryffindors, due to the Fat Lady portrait being attacked by Black the school had replaced her with another painting called Sir Cadagon. From what Harry described it seemed as though the man was a complete lunatic and spent the majority of his time challenging students to duals.

The weather has taken a very dark turn lately and instead of the usual clear grey skies that we get at this time of year we are instead getting thunderstorms and torrential rain. Of course we are deep into the highlands of Scotland so this is hardly unsurprising, what is unnerving me however is the intense cold that doesn't just sit in the air but seems to seep into your bones.

On the sixth day of November the first quidditch match of the season creeps round, it should have been Slytherin Vs Gryffindor but thanks to Draco playing up his previous injury it has been changed to Gryffindor Vs Hufflepuff.

Not only does this mean that I have more time to practice before our first game, but it also means that the first game of the season I will have to watch my twin brother and the boy I am starting to fall for go head to head against each other.

I sit huddled up at the Hufflepuff table wearing a thick woolly jumper and a large coat both black and grey to avoid any conflict between Harry and Cedric as to who I am routing for.

Cedric sits besides me chatting happily and calmly to his teammates as he eats his breakfast care free.

"Are you not nervous?" I ask holding tightly to my mug of tea in attempt to warm me up.

Cedric turns to me his eyes bright "of course I am! It is awful weather for playing and I am going head to head with your bother, who people call the best seeker Hogwarts has seen for over a century."

I roll my eyes at this "I'm pretty sure that's not true seeing as both you and I are far greater players than him."

Cedric smiles at me as he places his arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side "you know what I mean. I just have a bad feeling about this game today which I'm trying to cover by acting as if nothing is wrong." He kisses my head quickly as he pulls me into his side before continuing to eat his toast.

I smile to myself happily as I look up to see Harry sat at the Gryffindor table his face pale as he pushes his food around his plate. My heart drops for him as I can only imagine how nervous he must feel, the weather outside is the worst it could possibly be. I am truly surprised that Madam Hooch hasn't called off the game yet.

Soon Blaise comes to get me as we walk down to the pitch side by side huddled together to keep warm. The rain falls heavily and the wind is so strong I feel myself having to push against it just to walk in a straight line.

Blaise turns to me as we wait in the stands with the rest of the crowd "how on earth are they even going to stay on their brooms? This is ridiculous, someone is going to get hurt."

A snort sounds from behind us and we turn to see Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson looking down at us with sneers on their faces "too right someone is going to get hurt" Malfoy chuckles as he smirks down at me "fingers crossed it's your brother Potter."

Pansy let's out a high pitched snort "or even better your boyfriend!" She bursts out laughing as she leans into Malfoy's side.

Malfoy seems to lean away from her slightly before looking at me with an evil smirk on his face. Blaise tuts under his breath before making me turn my back on them "they really are the most unnatural couple I have ever laid eyes on it actually makes my skin crawl slightly."

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