45. That's the guy you named your cat after?

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The Highlands blur as the Hogwarts Express speeds through the mountains, I rest my forehead against the cool window as Blaise sits opposite me. The Slytherin carriage is rowdier than it usually is, everyone excitedly discussing the events that transpired over a week ago at the Quidditch World Cup.

I had quickly filled Blaise in on everything that happened to me this summer, it had started as an enjoyable conversation where I told him all of the fun things I did in Cornwall. However once I started to recount the night of the quidditch final I felt my blood turn cold, even telling it to my best friend was making me nervous again.

The things that the cloaked man had said to me and about me have left me feeling uneasy. I have no idea what he is referencing but Hermione had explained that they were followers of Voldemort and so it seems obvious that he is the missing piece here.

Blaise and I continue to sit in silence our minds elsewhere, gradually I feel someone standing besides me watching me. I turn my head to see Draco hovering his eyes scanning my face, as we make eye contact he quickly looks away and instead nods his head to Blaise.

"Zabini" Draco says his voice flat "how was your summer?"

Blaise shrugs slightly as he quickly looks towards me "same old, summering in Europe and other places with mother and her latest romantic interest. How was yours?"

Draco let's out a dry laugh "oh it was certainly eventful this year" his eyes flick forwards mine before looking away and fixating at a point over my head.

Blaise crosses his hands on the table in front of him as he raises his eyebrow "hmm Ang told me all about what happened at the Quidditch World Cup."

Draco shifts slightly as he changes the subject "anyway I best get over to Pansy before she drags me by my hair, honestly I thought that six weeks of ignoring her would give her the message."

Blaise chuckles "obviously not."

Malfoy nods once more in Blaise's direction before walking towards the back of the carriage where Pansy is sat watching him carefully.

I rest my elbow on the table as I bite my bottom lip nervously "he was ignoring me wasn't he? It was extremely obvious and openly transparent, he's ignoring me and pretending that I don't exist." I say to Blaise annoyed by Draco's behaviour.

Blaise nods slowly "yes... he was very obviously ignoring you."

Groaning I lean forwards resting my head on the table "what did I do?" My voice is muffled as I screw my eyes shut "we were getting along so well on that first night, then poof suddenly he hates me with a vengeance. So much so that apparently I just don't exist anymore."

Blaise tuts "why do you care?"

I sit up looking at him confused "what do you mean?"

Blaise crosses his arms "I mean, why do you care if Draco bloody Malfoy is ignoring you. You have plenty of people who do like you...okay well not plenty but like three, plus you have Cedric. Ignore him he isn't worth it."

I smile slightly "I have missed you a lot, you know that don't you?"

Blaise winks "of course, it is obvious."

"Oh Merlin I have missed this food" Goyle sits besides me as he shovels mouthful after mouthful of mashed potato in.

Blaise coils in disgust "I have not missed seeing you eat, tu es un cochon."

Goyle stops his hand mid air, his fork is piled high with mashed potato and gravy "you should know by now that no matter what language you call me a pig in, it still doesn't hurt my feelings."

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