14. He did what?

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"Pass me your trunk Angelica I will put it in the carriage for you" I turn to Blaise and gratefully hand him my heavy trunk whilst keeping hold of Moody's bag in my other hand.

I turn back to his mother who is currently standing on the platform of nine and three quarters and fanning herself dramatically with a silk oriental fan. She tosses her perfect hair over one of her velvet covered shoulders and smiles down at me.

"Mrs Zabini I can not thank you enough for taking me in this summer, I have had the most amazing time spending these past few weeks with Blaise and yourself. I wish I could show you just how grateful I am." I gush to the human form of perfection standing in front of me.

"Angelica ma fille, you have been a welcomed blessing in ze house for zis summer" she rests her long elegant hand against my cheek and looks at me with the warmest look in her eyes "you are a good friend for my son. I know you will both succeed together." She let's out a heavy sigh "if only he thought of you in that way, I would love for you to be my daughter."

Just as Blaise climbs back off the train to join us Mrs Zabini pulls her hand away from my face and offers me a signature Zabini wink.
Blaise says goodbye to his mother and they embrace tightly, and soon he and I are waving her goodbye from the window of the maroon coloured train that is full of Hogwarts students and pulling slowly out of the London station.

We settle into our compartment and begin discussing what we think the year ahead of us will entail. No more than ten minutes in to the journey the door of the carriage is violently opened causing a huge crashing sound to echo in the small space. I whip my head to look at the culprit and my eyes land on a platinum haired boy. I should have known.

"Malfoy" I roll my eyes at the pompous boy.

Draco smirks at the two of us "thought I'd find you two here." He sinks into the seat next to Blaise but doesn't take his grey coloured eyes off my face.

"Why are you staring at me Malfoy? Have I got something on my face?" I nervously brush my hand over my face and look to Blaise for reassurance.

The two boys laugh at my actions and Blaise shakes his head at me confirming silently that I do not have anything on my face.

"No you don't Potter" Malfoy sneers at me "I was just coming here to ask you why that twat of a twin brother of yours isn't on the train."

"What are you talking about?" I snap back at Malfoy. Before he can answer however we are interrupted by the cheerful voice of the trolley lady.

"Anything form the trolley dears?" She chirps at the three of us.

The two boys scramble in to their pockets retrieving small piles of coins and thrusting them eagerly at the woman.

After Malfoy and Blaise have finished buying more sweets than they could possibly eat in one train journey the painfully cheerful woman finally moves on from our compartment. My eyes follow the plump short woman and I narrow my eyes at her no one can possibly be that cheerful. She is hiding something I'm sure of it, people who are that cheerful are either on drugs or have a pile of bodies hidden somewhere.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and turn back to Malfoy glaring at him.

"Malfoy explain" I snap at him grabbing the chocolate frog card out of his hand.

"Jesus Potter calm down I assumed you knew" he says calmly whilst chewing on his sweet "I have been through every compartment and carriage on this train looking for him. He isn't on it trust me."

Blaise looks at the boy next to him with a raised eyebrow "should we even bother asking why you were trying so hard to find him Draco? Or is that between you and Harry?"

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