23. Petrified and terrified

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I spend the rest of the day trying to hunt down poor Ginny from wherever she is hiding. Just as it was reaching six o'clock and I was ready to give up I found a very small corner behind a statue of a wizard in a pointy hat that I had never noticed before. I turn my wand into a source of light and aim it into the dark space to see a flash of red hair.

"Gin?" I ask softly feeling concerned.

"Hey Ang" a soft voice whimpers out followed by a small sniff.

I bend down and squeeze my small frame into the spot next to her. "Nox" I mutter at my wand getting rid of the small beam of light. I look over at the girl next to me and offer her a small smile "how you doing?"

Ginny shakes her head and pulls her knees up to her chest "not great. I know this will all seem stupid eventually but right now I don't think I can ever show my face again."

I laugh and reach out grabbing her hand giving it a reassuring squeeze "oh please Ginny it wasn't that big of a deal! Nobody will even remember what Malfoy said, people are too busy laughing at the fact that the cupid had to tackle Harry to the ground."

Ginny lets out a little giggle "it was pretty funny seeing the Dwarf sat on his ankles wasn't it?"

I laugh loudly squeezing her hand again "it was hilarious! I will forever be grateful for that image in my head of my twin brother."

We giggle together and eventually I coax Ginny out of her small hiding space and we walk down to dinner together laughing at all the different students who were cornered by the dwarfs today.

"Did you not get any Ang?" Ginny asks me as we are sat at the Gryffindor table eating together.

My mouth is full of mashed potato so I just shake my head. I swallow and laugh "I can't imagine there is anyone who would want to send me a love poem or anything like that. I didn't even get a card! Not that I gave any out either."

Ginny raises an eyebrow at me "I can't believe you didn't get any I thought that you'd get loads. All the boys in my year are always talking about how much they fancy you, I've even heard Dean and Seamus say they were planning on sending you a card!"

I shake my head ignoring my friend, she is clearly just lying to make me feel better. I finish my meal and wave Ginny goodbye as I head out of the hall and towards the common room wanting to get started on my homework.

"Wait Angelica" a voice calls from behind me causing me to stop and turn back.

I see Cedric lightly jogging to catch up with me and he stands next to me in the entrance panting slightly.

"Hey Ced, Happy Valentines Day" I chirp out happy to see the boy.

He offers me his crooked smile "yeah Happy Valentines Day back to you."

"So" I poke him on the shoulder gently "how many cards and love letters did you get today? I heard it was so many that the dwarfs nearly went on strike due to the amount of work you alone caused."

Cedric's cheeks flush slightly and he rolls his grey eyes at me "haha very funny Potter."

"Well come on!" I laugh loudly teasingly poking his now pink cheeks "how many was it?"

Cedric grabs my finger playfully and squeezes it "shut it Potter" his face is broken into a wide grin as he lets my finger go. "But what about you? I'm sure you had a whole bunch coming to you as well."

I shake my head looking at the ground slightly embarrassed "actually no I didn't."

Cedric stops smiling as his face becomes serious "what? Not even one?" He asks looking extremely confused.

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