50. Its not up to you

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Christmas at Hogwarts, it's normally an extraordinary affair but this year it seems as though everyone has decided to go the extra mile. It's only December the 23rd and already the school is full of decorations, enchanted clouds that leave flurries of snow everywhere and students exchanging presents in the hallway.

Smiling at two first year Ravenclaws dressed up as Christmas elves I walk into the great hall excited for breakfast. The Yule Ball is tomorrow and needless to say Cedric and I will be going together, the idea of getting dressed up into beautiful clothes and dancing with him till late into the night makes my life feel even more surreal than usual.

"Morning Potter" Crabbe smiles at me across the table as I take my seat on the bench.

"Heya Crabbe, where's Goyle?" I reach forward for bacon and toast as I look around for the rest of the group.

"Mmph" Crabbe furrows his eyebrows moodily "off with his girlfriend I'm sure. Ever since he asked her to go to the dance with him they've been attached at the hip."

Malfoy laughs from besides Crabbe pulling away from Pansys grip on his arm "don't be bitter Crabbe. I'm sure you will find a lovely person to go with yet."

"Doubt it" Crabbe mutters as he bites into his sausage.

I smile kindly at the boy "I'm sure you will Crabbe, is there no one you fancy?"

Crabbe shrugs "not really, I don't really think anyone here is attractive or whatever."

I smile again "that's fine then Crabbe, you don't need a date. I'm sure you will have an amazing time regardless."

Pansy laughs coldly "well that's easy for you to say Potter, I'm assuming that you and Diggory will be going together?"

I nod stiffly "yes we will."

Draco raises his eyebrow at me "that's a lot of pressure isn't it?" He tilts his head "going to the ball with one of the champions, you're going to have to dance in front of everybody."

I smile shooting him a quick wink "oh I'm sure I can handle that Malfoy don't you worry."

Draco smiles slightly shaking his head before turning back to his plate.

Screeches from above fill the hall as the owls swoop in dropping the post onto the tables. I jump back in shock as about fifteen envelopes all land in front of me.

"What?" I mutter as I place my fork down rifling through them all.

"Wait be careful" Draco is watching me apprehensively his eyes wide "get out of here quickly those envelopes are red."

I look up at him confused "wait wha-".

Before I can finish my sentence three envelopes all fly up in front of my face and open themselves to resemble mouths.




Heads turn as the three envelopes yell over each other growing louder and louder. I lean back in a state of shock, staring unblinkingly at the three mouths.

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