59. Please, please no

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I nod at Cedric mutely thankful for his arms holding me up.

"I'm good, you're right I'm okay." I smile at Cedric suddenly forgetting where we are. He smiles back at me his eyes filled with love and patience. Every part of him is truly understanding.

Movement sounds from behind me and my smile instantly drops, Pettigrew is walking towards us his arms full of black robes.

"Kill him" a cold snake like voice sounds out causing my blood to go cold.

I step away from Cedric and towards Pettigrew my wand gripped tightly in my hand, how could I forget he was here?

"We need to leave right now" my words are rushed and incoherent.

"Avada Kedavra" Pettigrew barely raises his voice as a green light omits from his wand blinding me for a second.

Immediately I know where the spell was aiming for, spinning round quickly I see the beam hitting Cedric square in his chest. His eyes are staring directly at me as the light leaves them, his face grows slack and his body falls heavily to the floor in one fluid movement. He falls on his side his face looking at the ground as his hair, his perfect hair, hangs gracefully across his face.

A scream erupts from my body as I fall to my knees, dropping my wand I reach my hands out in desperation dragging Cedric's limp body into my arms. His eyes stare up at me lifelessly their usual grey colour once full of laughter and warmth, now a cold transparent hue with nothing but death within them.

"NO!" Harry yells out loudly from behind me, the world seems to fade away as I stare into Cedric's eyes.

The eyes I had grown to known by heart, the slight brown fleck in them that became brighter in the sun. The way they would crease with laughter, or roll in frustration. My tears flow heavily down my face and as they do the sky also cries, heavy raindrops fall onto us all as the once clear day now becomes a deep storm.

"Ang" Harry yells out in pain, I turn to look at him to see him restricted above a grave. A metal version of death himself holds him tightly.

Pettigrew moves towards Harry with a knife cutting him deeply in his forearm. Harry yells out in pain as blood falls onto the blade of the knife. I numbly watch as my arms still hold Cedric tightly to me.

In his last moments Ced had reassured me that my father was not the person who makes me good or bad, but now he is gone all I can think is that perhaps Cedric was. Perhaps he was the only thing that made me good, that I wanted to be good for him.

"Give me your arm" Pettigrew is now stood over me the knife still in his hand.

I blankly stare up at him, my limbs too heavy with grief to move them.

Pettigrew sighs and grabs at my arm plunging his knife deep into it before I can stop him, I gasp at the pain as he drops my arm back onto Cedric's lifeless body.

I stare down at the large wound in front of me, blood softly trickles from the gash and falls onto Cedric's top. The pain of the cut is nothing however to the emotional pain inside of my heart, I feel broken. Every part of me is shattered, the voices around me are mere background noise to the onslaught of thoughts in my head. Every moment Cedric and I have shared together is playing like a movie, the good and the bad are all laid out for me to see. Every day I wasted not by his side are now regrets, if I had only forgiven him quicker after arguments. If only I had stayed out with him later or woken up with him earlier. Every minute I had wasted is now my biggest regret.

"No, no, no" Harry's pain filled groans break through the fog in my brain. I finally look away from Cedric and instead look in front of me at what is happening.

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