7. The first match

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"Listen here you pack of runts. I do not care what you have to do on that pitch today, how many people you have to kick off their brooms or jab in the eye. One thing is for sure. We will not fucking lose, is that clear?" Flint screams into the teams faces.

The atmosphere in the changing room today is tense, it's our first match of the season and it's against Gryffindor of all people. Today I will be going head to head against my twin brother in sake of the glory of my house.

I nod my head in answer to Flints pep talk and take a massive gulp of ear. Everyone else on the team is a third year or above and has played numerous times before. This will be my first game I've ever played and I can barely stand up from the fear.

Flint walks over to me as the group disbands finalising their kits before we leave. "Listen Potter I'm sure you must be shitting yourself right now and that's fine. You're an amazing seeker and you've kept up well in practices. You can do this, we will all protect you with our lives out there as I'm sure the Gryffindors will target you. We at least have an advantage. No one has seen you play before and I have a feeling none of them are expecting you to have the raw talent you do." I look up at the troll like boy in front of me and my knees start to wobble. Flint lands a giant hand on my shoulder nearly knocking me to the floor "you've got this Potter. Try not to die out there."

On that final reassuring note Flint turns and leads the way out of the dressing room and down the passageway which leads to the bottom of the pitch. As we get closer and closer the cheers and boos are deafening. I look up and easily spot the Slytherin stand decked out in its silver and green banners. As they see us approaching the cheers get deafening and I can't help the smile that makes its way on to my pale and nervous face. I may be sweating uncontrollably all over my body but one this is for sure. I have Slytherin pride today.

We walk into the centre of the pitch where Madam Hooch and the Gryffindor team are waiting for us. I stand opposite Harry and offer him a terrified smile. I was expecting my twins signature reassuring smile back, the one I have grown up with. Instead he glares at me and looks away towards Madam Hooch, my jaw slacks in shock. I know we are on opposing teams but I haven't expected him to completely ignore me and even worse glare at me. I roll my eyes at his behaviour and climb on to my broom, if he wants to act like that then fine. I'll catch the snitch from under his nose and show him I think to myself.

The whistle blows and all the players fly into the air. I fly higher then my other team mates and stay in position waiting for the balls to be released. I look around at the people in the stands and my eyes drift to the Hufflepuff section. I can see Poppy standing on the bench holding a banner that reads "Angelica the quidditch angel" and screaming her head off. I roll my eyes at her cheesy banner and then burst out laughing as I see Blaise standing next to her. His Slytherin green jumper the only one in a field of yellow. He is crossing his arms and has a deep frown etched on his face noticing me looking in their direction Poppy starts jumping even higher waving to me. She grabs on Blaise's hand and starts forcing him to wave with her, very much against his will I might add.

My attention is taken away from my friends when the second whistle blows signalling the releasing of the balls. I look down and see the golden snitch dart off, I keep my position and follow it with my eyes never once breaking my concentration. I see Harry fly off after it trying his hardest to chase it but I know this is the wrong tactic. Instead of trying to chase the impossible you should instead be patient and let it come close to you. I keep myself planted and watch it dart about in the air, I don't even notice the game going on around me.

Lee Jordan the Gryffindor commentator starts his tirade of narrating the game in front of him "And we are off everyone, we have the two potter twins playing as seekers today. That's not going to get confusing is it seriously can't one change their name for simplicity sake? Ouch - okay fine Professor McGonagall. Ahem Harry Potter is in pursuit of the snitch however his twin sister is staying high and staying put. This is an interesting tactic, perhaps she can't fly and ouch- merlins beard Professor Snape sorry."

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