63. There is no respect, only fear

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"So the trial was fine then?" Harry and I walk down the large staircase of 12 Grimauld Place together.

Harry smiles widely at me "yeah! It was weird, it was just suddenly over you know?"

I nod as we walk through the kitchen door together, taking a seat at the large, wooden table. Mrs Weasley rushes over to us both and places her hand on my shoulder affectionately.

"It's good to see you up and about my dear" she says her voice soft as she places a large plate of bacon and eggs in front of me before hurrying back over to the oven.

Ever since my talk with Sirius yesterday I've found myself feeling slightly better, of course the nightmares are still there. The loathing and anger at the world are of course still at the forefront of my brain, but I seem to have a renewed sense of energy. Getting out of bed today was easier than before, even getting showered and dressed weren't just chores anymore but things I was happy to do.

I begin to shovel my food in happily as Ron and Hermione walk into the kitchen bickering over something.

"Morning" I say around my mouth full of food.

Hermione does a double take when she sees me but quickly hides it well with a small smile "good morning Angelica."

Ron sits down opposite me and kicks me gently "hey! You actually showered for once!"

"Ronald!" Both Hermione and Mrs Weasley seem to scold Ron at the same time. Hermione whacks his arm as Mrs Weasley clips him around his ear.

"What?" Ron asks as he grabs a piece of toast from my plate "what did I say?"

I shake my head as I can't help but let a small laugh out "it's fine really. It's good to see you to Ron." I quickly throw him the middle finger whilst Mrs Weasley has her back turned.

Ron smiles widely and shakes his fist in the air at me in an obscene motion.

Harry rolls his eyes as he takes a sip of his drink.

The four of us fall into a comfortable and playful conversation as Mrs Weasley tries to feed us more food.

"Oh look!" Hermione exclaims suddenly pointing to the grimy kitchen window that looks out onto a large brick wall behind the house.

We all turn to look to see four owls flying low and heading straight towards us. Harry hurries over to the window and opens it wide allowing the birds to swoop in and land at the table.

"Ah these must be your letters from the school." Mrs Weasley places her tea towel down as she watches us take them from the birds.

I tear open the envelope lazily as my eyes scan across the book list this year.

Hermione looks up at me "does this list look a little strange to you?"

I nod "yeah." I read it once again to make sure "considering the normal increase in work during our O.W.L year there are hardly any new books on the list."

"Dumbledore must have actually have found a new defence against the dark arts teacher though." Hermione mutters under her breath as she continues to read.

We sit in silence as we all flick through the letter. Placing my envelope down I see another sheet of parchment inside of it still, confused I pull it out unfolding it.

"What's that?" Harry asks as he gazes up from his book list in his hand.

"Holy fuck" I hear Ron mutter.

Mine and Harry's eyes flick over to him in surprise.

"Ronald Weasley! Mind your language!" Mrs Weasley scolds him as she walks behind him pulling the piece of parchment out of his hand that he is reading. Her eyes scan the paper quickly before she stops her mouth open wide.

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