28. Dinner with the Malfoys

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In the days that follow Harry and I's arrival at the Leaky Cauldron, I spend a lot of time wandering up and down Diagon Alley. On most days Harry joins me and we find ourselves strolling in and out of the shops, other days however Harry chooses to sit alone at the ice cream parlour, doing his summer work and reading his new books.

I did this with him for the first few days however I soon had finished all of my summer work and had read my books twice over. Harry has always been slightly slower than I have when it comes to academic work, therefore whilst he was still working his way through his books I had a lot of free time on my hands.

Soon even I was growing bored of walking the magical street up and down, I had seen all there was to see in Magical Menagerie, I had spent time browsing through the make up and perfumes in Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions. I had even come close to running out of books to read in Flourish and Botts.

One particularly grey day my boredom had reached new heights and I decided the only way to cure it was to stray away from Diagon Alley. I left Harry at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour reading his new transfiguration book, and I went on my way. I had tried to dress as plainly as possible hoping to just blend into the sea of people.

I pull my hood over my head and lower my face towards the cobble stones as I begin my journey, I walk past all the colourfully lit shops and make my way to the end of the alley. The crowds of families soon thin out and I am now alone at the very darkest corner of the alleyway. Without faltering in my step I take a deep breath as I turn the corner only stopping for half a second to look up at the sign.

"Knockturn Alley"

The sky above me seemed to grower even darker than before, witches and wizards no longer exclaimed in delight as they did down Diagon Alley. Instead people speak in hushed tones and gravelly whispers. As I am walking past a particularly evil looking group of people I hear words like "a truly vile curse" and "she never recovered" instead of the expected gasps these sentences were met with loud cackles and high pitched laughter instead.

I pull my hood tighter around my face still as I search for the shop I had heard so many Slytherins speak of. Finally I reach a heavy black door with gold fading writing on it reading "Borgin and Burkes". I stand outside the shop looking at the items on display in the window, I try not to look too shocked as my eyes pass over human bones, hangman's rope and a particularly evil looking necklace.

Daring myself I step up to the large door and press my hands against it forcing it open with a loud groan. As I step into the shop I feel the air change, inside it smells of staleness, the room is dimly lit and one single floating candelabra lights the area. I look up worried that a worker is going to stop me from entering only to realise the whole shop is empty.

I pull my hood down as I breathe a sigh of relief. I begin my slow walk around the dark shop eyeing more items I could never imagine needing. I stop in front of a glass case which holds inside a bloodstained pack of cards. I rest my hand against the glass as I look at them completely intrigued.

"Careful where you're putting those fingers girl." A deep empty voice sounds from behind me.

I gasp and turn around quickly coming face to face with an oily haired man with large glassy eyes. I take a step back suddenly aware of just how close he is to me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to touch anything Sir" I say quickly trying to speak in the confident way that I see my fellow Slytherins do.

"Hmm my name is Mr Borgin not Sir" he sighs out as he walks back over to the desk in the store.

I follow behind him unsure "sorry Mr Borgin I was just intrigued by the blood stained deck of cards. Who's blood is it?"

He sits in the leather chair behind the desk and looks up at me with a frown in his face "nobody of significant relevance. The blood isn't what makes it valuable, it's the game that it played."

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