71. New Years Eve Hell

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"Felicity do you have my red lipstick?"

"No, Daphne do you have it?"

"No I don't, can someone help me with my eyelashes please they won't bloody stick?"

"Seriously who has my fucking lipstick?"

"Angelica can you move?"

I look behind me into the chaos of our dorm at the four girls getting ready for the party. I had been standing in front of the full length mirror for several minutes staring at myself in shock.

"Sorry" I mumble to Felicity as I move out of her way. I walk back over to my bed and sit down onto it, taking my wand I tap each of my high heels performing the spell I learnt at the Yule ball so that my feet won't hurt during the night.

Blaise of course provided me with my outfit for tonight, his mother sent it to him straight from the streets of Paris.

I run my fingers over the dress, the velvet seems to press back at me in a silky way. The short black dress, shorter than any dress I've ever worn before sits tight against my body.

I pull up the long black gloves that came with the dress, the small parts of my skin that are on show contrast against the deep black. My legs stand pale and bare until my black heels on my feet. I simply let my hair hang straight down my back and away from my face, usually I have it hiding me but tonight it is a curtain down my back.

"Angelica can you zip me up please?" Pansy stands in front of me clutching her dress to stop it falling down.

"You want me to zip it?"

Pansy smiles slightly "well yeah? That's why I asked?"

Standing slowly I reach out at her blue dress, I gently tug her zip up for her and step away awkwardly. None of these girls have ever really made much of an effort with me before and nor have I with them.

We all have just simply existed in the same space, not enemies and not friends.

"You look really nice" I look at Pansy and offer her a soft smile.

Pansy's eyes widen slightly "really?" She walks back over to the full length mirror and runs her hands over her loose dark blue dress. It has two thin spaghetti straps and is made of satin, it clings to her torso and then hangs down gracefully to her knees.

"Yeah really" I laugh slightly "you look lovely."

Pansy smiles widely at me "thanks Angelica." She looks back at herself in the mirror for a few seconds before her eyes dart back at me "so do you."

"Thanks" I smile at her once more before I turn to my bed and grab my wand sliding it into the glove on my arm.

"I'll see you downstairs?" I ask her as I open the door to our dorm.

Pansy nods "yeah you will." She offers me a warm smile, one she's never given me before, she then walks into the adjoining bathroom screaming "SERIOUSLY who has my red fucking lipstick?"

Laughing to myself I walk into the common room, a few students are stood in small groups talking to each other.

"Angelica" Montague waves me over. I reach him and his friends offering them a tight smile as a hello. Montague gestures for us to leave the common room "everyone else is already down there. We have people stationed where Umbridge and Filch are, seems they're both passed out exhausted from cleaning all day."

I chuckle "well Fred and George's plan worked then."

"Fred and George?" Montague raises an eyebrow at me as we climb the stairs from the dungeon up to the rest of the castle "the Weasley twins did that?"

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