22. Doppelgänger

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After a very long twenty minutes Draco finally enters with Crabbe and Goyle walking behind him. I glance over at the three boys and notice the odd way in which Malfoy's two closest friends are walking, deciding to ignore it I instead walk over towards them and we all take a seat on the sofa's together. Draco sits next to me and reaches for his daily prophet as the two other boys awkwardly sit on the sofas opposite us as they look around the room in wonder.

"What took you guys so long Crabbe?" I ask as I place my book down next to me.

To my surprise Goyle shrugs and answers instead "we got lost."

I look at him bewildered "you got lost? From the hall? To here?" I speak my questions slowly wondering if the extra pudding had done something to slow their brains down even more than usual.

Before the two boys can answer Malfoy interrupts us "look at this!"
I lean over to look at the page he is reading and the headline catches my eye immediately.

"Arthur Weasley ironically fined for bewitching a muggle car!

If the employees themselves of the misuses of muggle artifacts department in the ministry of magic are misusing then who is really going to stop them?"

I lean back unimpressed by the article and instead think of poor Ron and his family, this must be a tough time for them right now.

Draco however is laughing loudly "what a buffoon. That whole family are a bunch poverty ridden blood traitors who do not deserve a place in the magic world."

I kick his leg angrily "shut it Malfoy leave Ron and his family out of this. They're good people."

Draco turns to me his face red "look just because your brother is all buddy buddy with them doesn't mean you are. You'd be stupid to think they'd treat you well, especially because you're a Slytherin. They don't care for you or like you Potter."

Before I can think of a clever reply back Crabbe yells out in anger "that's a lie!"

Draco and I turn and stare at him in confusion. Malfoy stares at him his mouth agape "what did you just say Crabbe?"

Crabbe glares back at him "the Weasley's don't hate her because she's a Slytherin."

Goyle elbows him in his ribs and Crabbe looks at him in shock. He quickly gulps and turns back to Draco with his usual bemused expression on his face "umm I just mean they wouldn't hate Angelica because of her house. They'd hate her because shes not the special chosen one like they see her brother as, they're so obsessed with him they probably wouldn't even notice her!"

Draco laughs loudly and nods his head "good point Crabbe." Draco shoots me a wicked grin and turns back to his newspaper as I huff and walk away from the three boys fed up with them all. I take a seat on the other side of the room and soon zone them out as I continue reading my book trying to not let them ruin my evening.

"What's wrong with you two?"

Draco's yell breaks through into my focused mind and I look up to see Crabbe clutching at his now slightly red hair as he runs from the room. Goyle chases after him as his forehead is held between his hands covering what looks to be some kind of cut. I walk back over to Draco now realising what just happened.

Draco shrugs his shoulders at me "they are so weird". He picks up his paper and continues to read clearly unfazed.

"Draco" I ask still looking at the doorway where Crabbe and Goyle ran out of.

"Mhm" he mutters back not taking his eyes off his paper.

"What kinds of questions were they asking?"

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