42. Summer loving

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Spending five whole weeks with Cedric and his family had sounded like something that only existed in a fantasy. I'm used to being disappointed and let down, therefore when Cedric and I walked away from the hospital hand in hand I tried not to allow my self to grow too excited. Surely something will go wrong, Cedric and I will break up or his parents will hate me. It just didn't seem possible that this summer could actually be the best few weeks of my life so far.

As we sit on the 5 hour train to Cornwall together, Cedric lists off all of the places that he wants to take me to visit. I smile and nod at him as I watch the excitement in his face, he leans forward resting his elbow on the table in front of me as he continues to talk happily.

"There is this one specific cafe that I can't wait to take you to, I work there every summer normally to save up some muggle money but I've told them I can't this time." He leans back in his chair.

"You shouldn't do that Ced, if you need to work this summer then do. I don't want you not having any money just because of me." I glance at him quickly before looking back out of the window at the countryside rolling past.

Cedric laughs "I didn't do it just because of you, well I did but it was because I wanted to. I want to be able to spend as much time as possible with you this summer which I won't be able to do if I have to work."

I turn and narrow my eyes at him unhappy with his response. Cedric groans playfully at my expression "okay, okay" he chuckles holding his hands up in mock surrender "how about this? If I run low on money then I will pick up the occasional shift, deal?"

I smile at him mockingly, "deal" I say as I look back out of the window satisfied.

Cedric looks at his watch before he begins to pack up our things in his rucksack. I sit upright as I watch him curiously "are we there?"

Cedric nods as he stands up placing his rucksack on his back and grabbing my bag for me "yeah we should be pulling in any minute now" just as Cedric finishes his sentence the train announces that the next station is Truro which is the closest station to Cedric's home.

We walk out of the station together in silence too absorbed in our own thoughts when suddenly a loud horn sounds from the other side of the street. Cedric bursts out laughing as he runs towards the luminous yellow 1992 Volkswagen Corrado, that is blasting music and has all of its windows rolled down. A tall and thin boy steps out of the car smiling widely as he hugs Cedric and slaps him on the back. The two boys push and joke with each other as I walk over awkwardly unsure of what to do or say.

The boy looks at me over Cedric's shoulder and his eyes widen slightly before he smiles warmly at me "well Diggory, are you going to introduce us then?"

Cedric looks back at me in shock as if he forgot I was with him, he reaches for my hand pulling me into his side as he turns back to his friend "this is Angelica my girlfriend from my school. Ang this is Tommy my best friend from primary school."

Tommy smiles at me "hey Angelica nice to meet you love, you guys dump your bags in the boot and I'll drive you to your dads." He climbs back into the driving seat of his car and turns the car radio up even more blasting Radiohead.

Cedric leads me to the back of the car and places our bags in the boot, he does it slowly as he turns to me slightly "Tommy is a muggle, sorry I didn't know he would be picking us up or I would have said. He thinks I go to some boarding school in Scotland, he won't ask many questions because he really doesn't care."

I nod my head quickly to show I understand, Cedric opens the passenger door pulling the seat forward as he climbs into the back allowing me to ride shotgun.

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