17. You disgust me

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I stood just outside the quidditch pitch watching my brother and his two friends walk off in the direction of Hagrid's hut. Granger's words ring in my head "you didn't do anything". I stand staring at the shrinking figures of the trio as rage starts to fill me up.

As much as I hate to admit it Granger is right, I didn't do anything. I didn't say anything, I just stood back and let Malfoy call Granger a disgusting slur. I stood there and watched my team mates disrespect my brother and his friends, poor Ron the boy had always been so kind to me. Offering me smiles and cheerfully greeting me, he had even started become a sort of friend to me, yet I just stood idly by as Malfoy and the other Slytherins were laughing at him.

I turn around with new resolve in me and storm back on to the pitch. The Slytherins are still stood around laughing and re-enacting what just happened.

"Did you see Granger?!"

"Not to mention Weasley trying to curse with that pathetic wand of his!"

They all laugh loudly taking it in turns to comment on what just happened. I walk up to the large group and stand there glaring at them all.

"Stop it" I yell at them which causes them to turn to me curiously, large smiles still on their faces.

Flint throws his arm over my shoulder "oh relax Potter it was just a bit of fun".

I shrug his arm off my shoulder "no it wasn't just a bit of fun" I snap at the captain and turn to glare at Malfoy who simply rolls his eyes at me. I take a step towards the blonde boy and my glare deepens "it wasn't just a bit of fun when you called Granger that word."

Malfoy looks at me coldly his grey eyes seeming empty of all emotion "what mudblood?" He says the word with a slight flinch this time but covers it with a sneer on his pointed face.

I screw my  nose up "don't say it again. It's unforgivable and you're a dick for using it in the first place. You disgust me."

The teams smiles have dropped from their faces and a few of them stare awkwardly at their feet.

Malfoy looks around at his team mates as his face reddens and he glares at me "relax Potter it's just a word."

I shake my head "no it isn't. It isn't just a word Malfoy and you know it. It's a dirty slur used to make some wizards feel inferior and like lesser beings than others. It's a dirty outdated word that is used to purposely hurt and demean someone. You knew what you were doing when you used that word." I turn my gaze from the blonde haired boy and look round at my team mates who all avoid my eyes. "You all know that the use of that word is pathetic and low-minded."

I turn to Flint who is staring at me with a deep frown on his face "Flint. I'm not training today. Take me off the team if you want I don't care. I refuse to fly with people who use outdated slurs, support the use of said words and those who are too damn coward to speak up against the word."

Without waiting for a response I turn on my heel and begin to walk away. I come to a sudden halt and quickly turn back to the team making eye contact with a silent Draco "here" I throw the new broom he bought me at his feet "you can keep this. It just feels dirty now." His grey eyes stare at me and I see that they have softened now as he looks down at the discarded broom by his feet. I glare at him one last time and walk off the pitch with my head held high.

I spend the rest of the day sulking in the back corner of the library, I know that I eventually did the right thing by ripping the Slytherin team a new one but it still doesn't feel overly rewarding. I sit with my head in a book titled "Muggle born wizards - a compelling insight in to the ongoing battles they face."

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