57. Take care

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As Cedric walks down to the great hall the feeling in his stomach only seems to be growing. With every step his body seems to weigh more and more, this wasn't like last time. This wasn't just a panic attack, this was something else.

"Mr Diggory!" Professor Sprout calls his name from behind him as Cedric stands at the entrance to the hall.

As he turns around he smiles kindly at his head of year who is hurrying towards him, her round face pink from the heat.

"Good morning Professor" Cedric places his hands in the pocket of if his trousers as he clenches his hands into fists.

"Oh Mr Diggory dear come with me please, I tried to meet you at your common room but I must have missed you." Resting her hand on his shoulder she begins to steer him away from the hall.

"Oh actually Professor I was just going to grab some breakfast" Cedric was lying, there was no way he could face eating anything. He had instead been hoping to bump into Angelica before the third task began.

"No bother dear" Sprout continues to lead him onto the school grounds and down towards a large white tent in the distance "there will be plenty of food for you inside my love."

"Right" Cedric was far too polite to say anything else and therefore allowed himself to be lead towards the tent.

As the two of them approach the large entrance Sprout lifts her hand from his shoulder, she stops walking and stands facing Cedric.

"Listen dear I was more than happy to be your mentor for this tournament however I did not feel myself suitable. Least of all for this final task." Sprout smiles kindly at Cedric as her eyes seem to well with tears.

"Oh um Professor, you don't need to be my mentor. I'm sure I can do the final task without one. Although for the record I want to just say that I believe you are very wrong, there are not many other people who I can imagine are more suitable than you. You're an incredible teacher and mentor." Cedric stands up straighter as he looks into his head of years tearful eyes.

"You are one of a kind Cedric Diggory, you are far too kind." Sprout waves her hand in front of her face "however that is not what I meant. I have hired you a new mentor who should be waiting for you inside."

She gestures to the open entrance of the tent which Cedric steps towards.

"Oh and Mr Diggory?" Sprout's voice stops him walking any further. She smiles at him "good luck today my love, you are a strong and resilient wizard I know you will do yourself proud."

Cedric nods his head in thanks as words seem to fail him, quickly he steps into the tent away from his head of year. Feeling emotional Cedric lowers his head before a loud voice causes him to whip it up in shock.

"Lift your head up now boy, you're a champion!"

Cedric looks up his eyes wide as he sees his father standing in front of him once more.

"Dad!" Cedric runs forward just as he did during the first task when he saw his father.

Amos laughs loudly "now don't tell me I surprised you did I? You can't have honestly have thought I'd miss this" he wraps his arms tightly around his son as they hold on to one another.

"I'm so glad you're here" Cedric's voice is muffled in his fathers shoulder.

Finally the two of them pull apart their faces both full of emotion.

Amos speaks first his voice raspy "listen Ced, there is a lot I need to say and I need to do it now before we go out there and stand in front of that crowd." He gulps and places his hand on his sons shoulder "after your brother left and your mother passed I thought I had truly failed you. I thought that there was no hope that you would turn out nearly half as good as a son as you are. This is more than just being a part of this tournament, you are kind, you are strong and you are selfless Cedric. You kept me going all these years, you are the reason why I continue to keep going."

Cedric allows the tears to fall down his face as he listens to his fathers words.

Amos sniffs as he finishes "I know you are going to do well today Ced, I just know it."

Cedric nods "I am dad, I'm going to make you proud."

Amos laughs shaking his head "oh son, you make me so proud everyday. You have made me proud everyday since you were born, you're my son and you are my world."

Cedric pulls himself back into his fathers arms as he replays his fathers words over and over again in his head.

The two of them eventually walk out of the tent and into the large starting area for the champions, the stands are now full of cheering students and family members. The school band plays over and over again as they build up anticipation.

Cedric scans his eyes around desperately looking for Angelica everywhere, finally he spots Blaise and jogs over to him.

"Blaise, have you seen Ang?" Cedric's voice is desperate as he continues to look around.

Blaise shakes his head as he also looks around "no sorry. Don't worry though you know she is somewhere, she wouldn't miss this Diggory. She will find you."

Cedric merely nods as he walks along the bottom of the stands looking around still, not quite able to shake that awful feeling inside of his stomach.

"Cedric!" His dad calls him over to his starting positions as the other champions all reach their own. The crowd grows louder and the band stops playing, Dumbledore steps up onto a podium before them.

His dad places his arm around his shoulders tightly  as Dumbledore begins to explain the rules. Cedric's head seems to be full of buzzing however as he desperately looks around for Angelicas familiar face.
The buzzing grows louder and soon Dumbledore's words are indistinguishable from the rest of the noise in his head.

His heart beat begins to quicken until his father hugs him one last time. As Amos' arms wrap around him it seems as if the buzzing dulls in Cedric's head. Taking a deep breath in his nose is overwhelmed with the familiar scent of his father. The smell of damp clothes from the rain, books and the must that comes with old libraries.

"Dad" Cedric's voice is shaky as he pulls away from his father.

Amos looks at his son with concern "what it is Cedric? The task starts in seconds." Around them everyone is counting down loudly waiting for the starting signal.

Cedric shakes his head "just promise me, look out for Ang okay?"

The cannon sounds meaning it is time for Cedric and Harry to enter the maze, Amos gently pushes Cedric through his entrance way.

Cedric's feet stumble as he turns around looking at his dad desperately.

"Promise me dad! I can't find her, just promise me you'll look out for Angelica." Cedric stares wide eyed at his father who merely smiles widely back as the the hedge begins to close up between them.

"Don't worry son!" Amos shouts back his voice joyful. The hedge seals up between them as Amos' voice echoes around Cedric "I'll look out for Angelica!"

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