24. Taking the blame

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"Harry, Ron I am so so sorry about Hermione. How are you guys holding up?" I look across at my brother and his friend during breakfast the day after the news of Hermione being petrified had spread to me.

Harry shrugs his shoulders as he stares at his food "it's weird I keep waiting for her to walk over with her arms full of books you know?"

Ron slowly nods his head "it feels surreal."

I take a gulp of water as I look at the two boys, they seem pale and tired as if they hadn't slept.

"It's okay guys Dumbledore said the mandrakes are closer everyday right? With him around Hogwarts will always be okay surely." I try to smile at the two boys but the looks on their faces makes me stop. "What? What do you two know that I don't?"

Harry looks at me with an empty emotion on his face "Dumbledore has gone. He was kicked out of the school by the governors, not only that but Hagrid...H-Hagrid was taken to a wizarding prison."

I drop my glass causing a loud smash and water to spill everywhere, heads turn to look at us but I am too distracted by the news I have just heard. "What? Why the hell have they taken Hagrid to prison?"

I distractedly wave my wand at my broken glass and the water causing the glass to mend itself again and the water to disappear.

Ron groans and he runs a hand over his freckled face "they think he is to blame for all these attacks. It's a long story but needless to say they're wrong. Hagrid would never hurt any student and especially not Hermione."

Harry nods his head as he stares blankly at the wall behind me as if he is too consumed by other thoughts to reply.

Soon enough the news that Dumbledore has been removed from his position by the governors spreads, the majority of the student population are terrified and appalled except for one student of course.

Malfoy is walking about with his chest out and his head held high, boasting how his father had finally managed to get rid of Dumbledore. The idiot boy was even bold enough to tell Snape that he should apply for the position in one of our potion lessons.

After that potions lesson Snape calls me over as all the other students file out of the classroom.

"Miss Potter" Snape says as he waves his wand cleaning up the mess left behind. "Dumbledore asked me something before he was taken away and in light of the events in the school right now I believe it would be beneficial to do as he asked." He hesitates as he turns to me watching me in a way that makes me feel exposed.

"What did he ask you sir?" I ask the question hoping to break Snape's calculating gaze on me.

Snape turns back to the classroom as he says "he asked me to have extra evening lessons with you."

Startled I can't help myself as I exclaim "what? Why would I need extra lessons? I'm not falling behind, in fact I would say that I am way ahead of everyone else in the class!"

Snape turns to me with a hint of a smile on his face "this isn't due to your grades Miss Potter. More so for your safety, Dumbledore seems to think it would be best if we spend some time together working on your spells, defenses and occlumency."

The last word catches my attention and I perk up slightly "Occlumency sir? That isn't on the schools curriculum is it? Especially not for a second year, that is highly advanced magic surely."

Snape nods his head "Yes Miss Potter it is and far out of your reach, Merlin knows why Dumbledore has decided that it is imperative that you learn it now but regardless that is what we will do. I am sure that you have already read about it yes?"

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