49. Wordless conversations

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The diary of Cedric Diggory

Monday the 23rd of November.

I have one day, which means twenty four hours until I will be starting the first task. Never have I ever felt so inadequately underprepared for anything. How am I supposed to prepare for a task when I don't even know the components of it?

For all I know the task could be to find a needle in a haystack, well actually that wouldn't be too bad considering it could be solved with a simple summoning spell I suppose.

The thought of having breakfast in the great hall today is too much for me to digest, having everyone watch me constantly, always asking how I am preparing for the task and how I am feeling. Not to mention the bloody badges that someone, probably Felix, created which flash between "support Cedric Diggory" and "Potter stinks". It seems that no matter how many times I beg people to stop wearing them they still continue to, it's bad enough that they're trying to intimidate Harry but all I can imagine is the way it must be making Angelica feel. Especially seeing as every single Slytherin student, bar Ang and Blaise, wears one constantly pinned to the front of their robes.

After I have eaten a rushed breakfast of left over chocolates in my dorm I hurry to my first lesson making sure to hang my head low in order to remain invisible. It doesn't work however and people repeatedly pat me on the back as I pass through the hallway, they call out to me cheering me on but it only makes me feel worse. There are now twenty three hours until the start of the first task and I am still clueless.

Seventeen hours.

Thankfully the school day passes by without any particularly hard topics being bought up in my lessons, it's almost as if my professors are inadvertently giving me a break from the usual difficult lessons to rest my mind for a change. As my final lesson comes to a close I walk towards the library my head clouded with thoughts and anxieties until a quiet voice from besides me breaks through.


I look besides me to see Harry nervously trying to keep up with me, I slow my pace down and offer him a tight smile.

"Hullo Harry, how are you doing?"

Harry smirks slightly as we stop walking in the corridor besides the courtyard.

"Oh yeah I'm doing amazing thanks Cedric, you know being fourteen and potential death by mysterious tournament being just beyond the horizon" his voice drips with sarcasm and I laugh in response.

"Right sorry stupid question."

" No matter" Harry shrugs his eyes suddenly turning serious "listen do you know anything about the first task yet?"

I shake me head slightly "no? Why would I?"

Harry gulps visibly "okay listen I can't tell how you I know but just trust me okay?"

I smile down at Angelica's brother, they have such similar mannerisms I can't help but feel a sense of fondness for the boy in front of me.

"Yes Harry, I trust you. What is it you want to tell me?"


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