43. Bulgaria Vs Ireland

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Warning - very very, very, very MILD drug use and swearing in this chapter x

After my birthday it seemed as though each day of the summer holidays began to go by faster and faster. Cedric began to work at the small cafe he had told me about two days a week to try and get a bit of extra cash before term starts again.

At first I had been worried about how I would fill this free time in a village I didn't know when both Cedric and Amos were busy working, however Tommy made sure I was never truly alone.

One day mid August the nice hot weather we had been having soon turned into the typical English summer I was used to.

Rain pours down unrelentingly from dark clouds above the cottage, as I rest my forehead against the window in kitchen whilst sat on the bench beside it. I had wanted to spend the day walking along the river allowing my thoughts to wonder peacefully, clearly whoever this was no longer an option unless of course I wanted to wear welly boots and a raincoat.

"Hey!" A loud voice shouts as the front door opens.

I look behind me at the kitchen door to see Tommy's tall figure walking towards me, his blonde hair sticks to his head and he leaves a trail of rain water behind him.

"Hello Tommy" I say my voice deadpan as I turn to look back at the rain.

"Wow someone doesn't like this weather then huh?" Tommy teases as he walks to the fridge pulling out leftover pasta and begins to eat it with a plastic fork that I'm sure I just saw him take out of his own pocket.

I turn to him with an eyebrow raised "helping yourself are you?"

Tommy smirks at me his cheeks full with food "of course, I have been doing so since I was a kid. Amos doesn't mind what I do trust me, if I don't eat it then no one does. You've seen Cedric right? The boys a stick, he barely eats a normal amount of food and if he does choose to eat it's all salad and rice. The kids a weirdo."

I laugh loudly "he's not a weirdo Tommy! He just likes to watch what he eats."

Tommy slumps into the window bench besides me as he looks at me with a slight smile "exactly, who has ever heard of a seventeen year old boy watching what they eat? It's weird."

Rolling my eyes, I pull my knees up to my chest "I'm extremely bored today" I sigh deeply and rest my head against the wall besides me "what is there to do today other than read?"

Tommy walks his pasta bowl over to the sink before looking at me his face arranged into a very wide grin "oh there is plenty to do, have you no imagination woman?" He gestures for me to follow him as he walks out of the kitchen and up the stairs towards Cedric's bedroom, I follow behind him suddenly very worried as to what he has planned.

We walk into Cedric's bedroom and Tommy gestures for me to sit on the bed, as I do Tommy reaches up and grabs a small piece of rope hanging from the ceiling that I hadn't noticed before. He gently tugs it downwards, and a large square of the ceiling opens up as a ladder falls down. Tommy climbs up it first and I follow him into the attic.

As I reach the top step of the ladder I look around the large wooden space, one small circular window lights the room along with the fairy lights hung on the walls that Tommy switches on. Rugs and blankets cover the floor and beanbags are placed next to the circular window. Tommy bends over awkwardly as he moves about in the low ceilinged area, thankfully I simply have to duck my head slightly due to my height.

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