26. A familiar face

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"What is it Dumbledore? Is she okay?"

"Yes. The girl is fine...for now."

"So what is it that's so urgent for you to call me here at this hour?"

I open my eyes with a struggle suddenly feeling extremely sick, the last thing I remember was that I was running towards Harry and Ginny inside the Chamber of Secrets.

I turn my head slightly and look around the dark room I am currently laying in. Slowly my vision adjusts and I realise I am in the infirmary inside of Hogwarts.

Without trying to draw too much attention to myself I watch the two men stood by the end of my bed, through my half opened eyes. In the flickering candle light I easily recognise the outlines of Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Snape.

They continue to talk unaware that I am now awake and listening to their conversation.

"After they went to Minerva's office explaining what had happened and causing her to call for my return to the castle, I took Harry aside and had a chat with him in private. I wanted to hear all about the events and what he said has worried me." Dumbledore talks in a low voice as he peers at Snape over his glasses.

Snape nods allowing Dumbledore to continue uninterrupted.

"Harry explained all about how Voldemort returned in the form of his school boy self, trying to kill poor Ginny Weasley to allow himself to live again."

Snape shakes his head "you've told me all of this."

Dumbledore breathes in deeply "yes I have. What I did not tell you was that Harry said some disturbing things...about Angelica."

I hold my breath worried for what is going to be said next.

Snape stares coldly at Dumbledore "what did he say?"

Dumbledore looks back at Snape unblinking "he said how at moments Angelica and Tom Riddle held such likeness that it was unnerving. When Harry was going to stab the diary and Tom was stood next to the girl, they both had the exact same coldness within their identical icy blue eyes. He said that Angelica genuinely scared him at times and she had this anger within her that he hadn't taken notice of before."

I screw my eyes shut as tears begin to fall down my face, how can Harry say these things about me? They can't be true, can they? Did I really look that much like Tom Riddle, and this anger Harry speaks of how does he even know about that. I had always tried my hardest to hide that.

Dumbledore says no more and silently he and Snape eventually leave the infirmary. I lay awake in the dark thinking about the events within the chamber. I remember the kindness and respect that Tom treated me with and how confusing it is. I also think about the fact that Harry left me alone and in danger several times, running away and leaving me. Did he perhaps think I was the danger from which he should hide?

How can my own twin brother tell Headmaster Dumbledore all these disturbing things about me?

For the rest of the night I struggle to sleep, instead I toss and turn trying to block out Tom Riddles cold ghost-like face. Finally I manage to fall asleep and soon nightmare after nightmare cloud my unconscious mind.

"Hey Ang" a soft voice with a French undertone stirs me out of my awful dream.

I struggle to open my eyes against the now blinding light that is shining in from the large windows.

I smile at the face next to me "hey Blaise" I croak out, my throat feeling painfully dry.

Blaise smiles at me widely and hands me a glass of water "here".

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