64. Howlers

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"Be good please boys" Mrs Weasley stands on platform nine and three quarters with her arms wrapped around her three sons holding them tightly to her chest.

"Eurgh okay mum" Ron mumbles with his face pressed awkwardly against her shoulder.

"Come on Molly dear let go of them, Ginny is over there and wants to say goodbye to us also." Mr Weasley coaxes Mrs Weasley over to where Ginny is standing with Poppy and her family.

I can feel Poppy's parents watching me, in fact I can feel everyone watching me. Students and parents alike are staring and whispering, some aren't even bothering to whisper.

I lower my head as a particularly loud father is lecturing his children behind me.

"Listen to me Nigel and Alice. You stay away from her okay? You're Hufflepuffs so there is no reason to go near her, Merlin knows what she's capable of."

His voice carries easily over to where Harry, Hermione, Ron and I are standing. I can't help but turn around slightly to see what this man looks like, as I do however I feel Hermione placing her hand on my shoulder stopping me.

"Don't bother Ang" she says her voice soft as she looks at me her eyes sad "they're idiots. They know you aren't a danger to anyone, they're just being cruel." She looks down at her wrist and picks her trunk up in her hand. "Come on its nearly time anyway, let's get onto the train."

She begins to walk up the steps with Ron and Harry following her closely behind. Sighing I bend down grabbing my trunk and Moody's cat cage as I begin to walk towards the large maroon train also.

"Oi" I large hand grabs my shoulder turning me to face them roughly. I drop my trunk in shock and feel myself stumble slightly. A tall, skinny man is stood over me his face red, his wizard robes are grey and polished and without hesitation I know this is the man from before.

He narrows his eyes at me as he bares his teeth "listen here alright. I don't give a fuck who your father is, you don't scare me. Don't go anywhere near my kids do you understand?" Spit flies out of his mouth as his voice begins to rise. Faces turn to watch as he steps even closer towering over me "I've lost too much already to care anymore, if you even so much as speak to my children I'll know okay? I'll know and then I'll fucking kill you!"

I step back my eyes wide as he towers over me, his face is bright red as he clenches his fists. I feel my face pale as he continues on his voice only growing louder.

"You are a sin on our community, the crimes your father has committed are forever etched into wizarding history. Whether he has returned or not just know that you are scum, an evil and demo-".

The man suddenly stops talking as the end a silver cane whacks him on the shoulder. The man and I both turn to see Lucius Malfoy standing with his wife by his side.

Lucius narrows his eyes at the man his face cold "really Montgomery ? Are you really standing here shouting at a fifteen year old girl?" His voice is a smooth as ever but his tone is dark.

The man stands up straight as he adjusts his robes, his face is composed but I can see his hands shaking. "Lucius, you surely must agree with me? This girls father is a devious murderer!" He throws his hands up as he looks back at me angrily.

This time Narcissa rolls her eyes as she flicks her dyed blonde hair over her shoulder "oh please do shut up Robert. When you were at school you didn't want to be associated with your parents did you?" She smirks cruelly at him "what was it again? Your father was placed on trial for attempting to rob the ministry wasn't he?" Lucius snickers from besides Narcissa as Robert Mongomery's face grows red.
Narcissa continues on her eyes shooting daggers at the man "and your mother, well there is no need to mention her is there? I think everyone knows what she was guilty of."

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