54. Everyone can be insecure

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"Okay but I'm just saying that if Hogwarts is so magical then surely they must have found a way to allow muggle objects to work here by now."

Blaise rolls his eyes at me as we walk side by side along the third floor corridor "yes but you are not thinking like a wizard or a witch. Why on earth would we want to allow such mundane objects into such a wonderful place. For every electrical muggle object you have we have a spell that does the same thing."

I shrug my shoulders casually "not for a gameboy you don't."

"What on earth is that?" Blaise looks at me his face confused, unable to contain myself I burst out laughing due to his expression.

"Never mind."

"Ang?" Poppy's voice carries to me from a bench at the side of the corridor.

Blaise and I turn in unison to see her and Ginny sat with their legs crossed, surrounded by books.

"Hey!" I wave at them as I begin to walk over, Blaise following behind me slowly.

Ginny smiles up at me "how have you been? I feel like we haven't seen you properly in ages."

Blaise sighs "as lovely as it is to see you both I have to be on my way. Snape assigned me two extra feet of parchment on why it is important to always properly clean my cauldron." He squeezes my shoulder gently "see you all later."

Poppy, Ginny and I all mutter various goodbyes as Blaise walks away from us his shoulders tense.

"Do you have any extra work assigned?" Poppy asks me as she closes the book in her hands.

"No thankfully, by the time Snape had finished lecturing Blaise it allowed me time to clean mine more thoroughly." I smile and shift my weight to my other leg.

An awkward silence stretches between the three of us. I clear my throat and look towards Poppy.

"How have you been anyway?" I then look at Ginny who is biting her bottom lip "and how have you been Gin? I feel like I haven't really seen either of you this year."

Poppy chuckles "well you haven't really, you've been so busy with Cedric."

Once again an uncomfortable silence stretches between us all.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that" I place my bag on the floor besides me "it's just been a crazy year really. What with the Triwizard cup and everything."

Ginny smiles brightly at me "we understand Ang we really do. How about this weekend we go in to Hogsmeade together?"

Poppy cuts in her tone sharp "if you haven't already planned to go with Cedric or Blaise that is."

I smile at her tightly "I haven't. It will be nice for the three of us to go together, maybe we can go to the Three Broomsticks?"

Poppy sighs before Ginny glares at her elbowing her in her side.

"Ouch! Yes fine that sounds nice, let's do that." Poppy rubs at her ribs as she attempts to smile up at me.

I laugh slightly and smile at them both "great, I'll see you both Saturday in the great hall?"

Ginny nods once.

"Okay cool" I awkwardly fumble with my bag in my hands as I turn to walk away "I'll see you both then!" I say loudly over my shoulder as I leave them.

"For Merlin sake Gin you didn't have to elbow me so bloody hard!" I hear Poppy exclaiming from behind me.

"Yes I did. You were being rude and she is our friend, don't be such a dick and you won't get elbowed."

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