67. Be selfish for once

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"Miss Angelica" a squeaky voice at the foot of my bed causes me to jump out of my heavy sleep.

Thankfully the fire in the corner of the room casts a soft glow over the space allowing me to see the small figure of a house elf.

"Um yeah?" I sit up slowly as I rub my eyes clear of sleep.

"Miss Angelica, Professor Snape is waiting for you in the common room. He said it's an emergency." The house elf smiles widely at me before snapping their fingers and disappearing into thin air.

Confused I pull myself away from my bed, shoving one of Cedric's hoodies over my head as I quickly hurry down the stairs into the common room.

Snape is standing besides the large ornate fireplace in the centre of the room, as I approach him he turns to face me. His eyebrows are drawn together and his lips are pressed tighter than usual.

"Professor?" I stand a few feet away from him the large leather sofas separating us.

"I'm sorry to wake you Angelica." Snape turns back to the fireplace staring into the embers that remain burning in the bottom of it. "Arthur Weasley was attacked in the Ministry, he is currently in St. Mungo's recovering. His children and Harry have all traveled to Grimauld Place to wait there tonight, Dumbledore has advised that it would be prudent if you joined them."

I stare at him as I soak in all the information "why should I go? I may just be in their way."

Snape turns to face me once again "that may well be, however it will look odd if Harry leaves school before the end of term and you do not. Dumbledore has told Umbridge that a relative of the Weasley's has fallen unwell. We will also say the same about yours and Harry's relative."

I resist the urge to roll my eyes and instead choose to cross my arms "you mean Harry's relative. Not mine." My voice is tight as I glare across at my head of year.

Snape matches my glare "semantics. Go pack, we need to send you away before the others are awake."

I stay rooted to the spot as I absorb the news.

"Go!" Snape snaps at me, his eyes narrowed in annoyance "meet me in my office and for Merlins sake hurry." He turns quickly and walks from the common room leaving me alone in the large green space.

"Fuck" I mutter under my breath as I run up to my dorm, opening the door as quietly as I can. Moving around in the dark room I pick everything within reach up and shove it deep into my trunk. Grabbing it by the handle along with Moody's cat cage I walk from the room still in my pyjamas and Cedric's hoody.

As I reach the common room I leave my luggage in the middle of it before sneaking up the boys dormitory stairs.

"Blaise" I whisper as I walk into his dorm approaching his bed.

Squeezing his shoulder I shake him slightly. 

Blaise remains laying on his side, unmoving. Slowly one of his dark brown eyes opens, his eye narrows as he sees me standing over him.

"You know there is no emergency on earth great enough for you to wake me from my sleep right? Not a fire, not a flood not even the risk of impending death is worth waking me from my sleep Angelica." Blaise opens his other eye and pushes himself up into a sitting position, his black silk pyjamas hang loosely from his torso.

I can't help but smile slightly at him "I know I know. This however is even worse, I can't spend Christmas with you this year like we had planned." My smile drops as a large wave of sadness takes me over "I'll leave your presents here." Placing the parcels I have in my hands on the floor I stand back up to see Blaise watching me carefully.

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