41. Why is it always you?

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Pain. Blinding, mind-numbing pain is the first thing I feel when I begin to stir awake.

Cold winds slap at my face and my left arm has pins and needles all the way up it. I force my eyes open feeling extremely disorientated, my vision focuses and all that I can see in front of me is a very close up view of a rock. Confused I turn my head slightly to see bright sunlight shining above me through a crevice between the two large rocks I am wedged between. My left arm is stuck above the rest of my body and is the only part of me that isn't trapped.

I slowly remember the events of last night and that is when I realise where the pain is coming from, my back, the werewolf scratched all down my back last night. I'm surprised that I haven't already died due to the loss of blood from not only the scratch on my back but also the large wound on my head where I had tried to get free last night. Not to mention the tiny cuts and scrapes I can feel over my face and arm from where I fell.

Groaning loudly I realise that if I have any hope of surviving I need to first free myself from these rocks. Judging from the position of the sun I can tell that it must still be very early in the morning, meaning that chances are nobody has even thought about my where about's. Snape and Ron may just assume that I made it safely to my dormitory and Blaise will no doubt assume that I am somewhere with Cedric. Meaning that my only hope of getting out of here is to do it myself.

I take three deep breaths as I try to calm myself down, I need a clear head to pull this off. My left arm is useless unfortunately because although it is free unlike the rest of my limbs there is no way that I could angle it to reach down between these rocks, and I definitely do not have the upper body strength to pull myself out of here with one arm. I silently curse myself for not doing my chin-ups when Flint had always told me to, he seemed to think they were important if you ever fell of your broom and were left to hold on. I had always dismissed him convincing myself that I would be fine, but boy was I wrong. Perhaps if I had just done as Flint had said I may be able to pull myself out of here with my one good arm.

My right arm although it is stuck may be of use to me, it is pressed against my torso and bent at an awkward angle in such a way that my elbow is further down into the gap and my hand is resting by my hip. I reach my fingers forward desperately as I grab at the bottom of my hoodie. Normally I always store my wand in the back pocket of my jeans, however I chose a jumper that has one large pocket on the front, the perfect size for me to put my wand in. I grab at the fabric as I pull it desperately towards me, I feel the edge of my pocket between my fingers as I tug and tug. Getting frustrated I give it one final sharp pull only to feel my wand sliding out and downwards between my fingers.

"SHIT" I gasp as I grab desperately hoping to stop my wand in time that it doesn't fall down further into the gap, thankfully I feel my index and middle fingers grabbing onto the very tip of my wand. I let out a massive sigh of relief as I grasp the wand in the palm of my hand.

Now I just need to angle my torso in such a way that hopefully my wand can point out of the gap between the rocks and hopefully at the sky. As I am positioning myself I hear a very faint voice calling out.


I freeze still so that I can hear it again, making sure that it isn't just inside of my head.

"Angelica Potter!"

A very faint voice from very far away is calling my name, I stay frozen as I strain my ears trying to understand what is happening.



Several voices are all yelling my name all from a fair distance away. I feel tears run down my face as I realise that there are people in fact looking for me, I open my mouth wide and yell out as loud as I can.

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