72. The Pink Bow

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A/N -

Hi guys! Thanks so much for all the votes and comments lately it always encourages me to write quicker!

I was just wondering, I have so much of this story left to tell but the chapters are getting quite high. Would people prefer I split it into separate books or just carry on even if it has loads of chapters?

Please let me know cos what you guys think matters most!

Thank you❤️

Chapter 72.

"So you've still got to patrol with him?" Blaise sits besides me in the library, it's been four weeks since the New Year's Eve party and I've managed to avoid Malfoy until today.

"Yep, I've been putting it off saying I'm ill but Snape found me today and said unless I'm in the infirmary then I'm expected to show up for prefect patrols." I close the large book in front of me and reach for my parchment and quill.

"What time tonight?" Blaise tests his elbow on the desk and turns to watch me his face clearly tired.

"Late." I place my quill down on the desk "speaking of late nights, would you care to tell me as to why you look so tired lately?"

Blaise smirks at me his face lighting up "I've had a few sleepless nights I suppose you could say."

"The guy from the party?"


I raise my eyebrows at Blaise in amusement "he's a year older right? I've never actually ever spoken to him before, or even really noticed him."

Blaise nods "honestly me either. I saw him occasionally with Montague but he never spoke much, he's beautiful though isn't he."

I nod my head in agreement "yeah he really is, you guys suit each other. Actually what even is his name again?" I turn back to my parchment and continue my essay whilst listening to Blaise.

"Xavier Selwyn. Black hair, blue eyes and a weird eyebrow scar. He's the whole package." Blaise looks out the window in front of us his thoughts obviously with Xavier as he grows silent.

"Selwyn, I've heard Malfoy say that name before I'm sure."

"Probably. You know what the blood Slytherins are like, their families all know each other and come from money. I think he and Malfoy grew up in similar mansions and their parents knew each other well." Blaise turns back to me "his parents ran off though."

"What? Ran where?" I lean back in my chair interested.

"Merlin knows, as soon as news spread about last summer people started running. His family was always close with death eaters but never actually crossed the line you know? When your fath-".

"Don't." I snap at Blaise glaring at him "don't call him that."

Blaise shoots me an apologetic smile "shit sorry, I'm really sorry. What I meant to say was when what's his name was killed by Harry these people all renounced him and everything what's his name stood for, it was a way to protect themselves from the ministry. Now that he's back they're scared he will hunt them and either force them to join or kill them. His parents faked their death a while ago, but Xavier hasn't heard from them since."

"That's insane. Why would they leave him?"

Blaise shrugs "cos they're shit parents. They didn't even think about him, not for a second. Instead they packed their bags, grabbed their house elves and disappeared." Blaise casually leans back in his chair as he looks back out the window "if you ask me they're probably dead. No one can run from him, not really. They all get caught eventually."

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