35. Dont be jealous

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"So you and Cedric have already been official boyfriend and girlfriend for a month?" Ginny asks her face alight with intrigue.

I mentally work out the dates in my head before nodding. "I mean I think so? You seem to be keeping better score of it then I am Gin." I take a sip of my drink.

"Well of course I am! You're the first one of us to have a boyfriend, do you know how amazing that is?"Ginny's face drops from a wide smile into a sad glance in my brothers direction "I'm so jealous."

"Don't worry Gin" Poppy places her arm around the small girls shoulders "you'll have your turn."

I nod in agreement with Poppy as I continue to eat my dinner.

"Poppy are you going to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" I ask.

Poppy takes her arm from around Ginny's shoulders and nods at me "yeah I am, I'm going with Marcus Belby actually. Why did you want to go together?" She asks me with her eyebrow raised.

Ginny gasps loudly and drops her fork "you're going on a date?"

I laugh at Ginny's dramatic reaction "it's okay I'm going with Cedric anyway, so you have fun on your date."

Poppy nods her head "I thought you would be, which is why when Marcus asked me I said yes."

Ginny groans and rests her head in her hands "why is everyone else getting a boyfriend and not me? What's wrong with me?"

I grab Ginny's hands and force her to look at me, I stare into her brown eyes as I glare at her "Ginny! There is nothing wrong with you? You're twelve years old for Merlins sake. You are amazing, you are so brave and you're so bright okay? You don't need a boyfriend to fulfil you or make you feel worth something okay? You are fulfilled already by simply existing and being as amazing as you are. One day a very special person will realise this and they will be the luckiest person in the world. Until then don't think for a second that because you're not in a relationship that there is something wrong with you, there isn't."

I let go of her hands as I say sharply
"You. Are. Incredible. Ginny Weasley."

I look back at my dinner and sit down into my seat. Ginny's face is now beetroot red as she stares at me her eyes wide. Poppy has her fork hovering by her mouth and also seems to be frozen in shock.

"What?" I snap worried as to why they're both staring at me.

"Thank you Ang" Ginny whispers quietly as she smiles at me, her eyes seem to be full of tears as she looks back down at her plate still smiling.

I look to Poppy worried that I said something wrong.

Poppy crinkles her nose up and pushes her hair behind her ear "that's the longest I've ever heard you talk you know?" She smiles at me "you should do it more often because that was extremely motivational."

I let out a shaky laugh relieved as I smile back at the two girls in front of me. We finish dinner in a content silence all too focused on our own thoughts to speak them aloud.

The next morning I pull on my outfit that of course Blaise chose for me. It consists of a pair of loose mum jeans, a thick woolly jumper a pair of black converses with little daisies on and a thick puffer jacket. I pull on the few pieces of jewellery I own and simply pull my hair into a ponytail.

I walk towards the great hall when Blaise runs up behind me catching my attention by linking arms with me.

"Good morning" he says happily leaning in to me.

"Why are you so happy?" I ask him curiously.

He sighs dramatically "you know I am really tired of everyone always saying this to me. I am always happy, just I am not like you weird English people who walk around with a goofy smile on my face permanently. Do you realise how stupid you all look?"

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