55. Weighing me down

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"Miss Angelica" a high pitch voice grabs my attention away from the large book in front of me. Spinning in my chair in the library I turn to see a small house elf standing behind me.

"Oh hello?" My voice is uncertain as I look down at the house elf I don't know.

"Miss Angelica, Headmaster Dumbledore has requested that you go to his office at your earliest convenience. Please leave your belongings here, I will make sure they make it to your dorm safely."

The house elf stands back and watches me expectantly.

"Oh um okay?" I stand up awkwardly and pick my wand up tucking it into the waistband of my school skirt. "You sure it's okay for me to leave everything behind?"

The house elf nods eagerly "yes Miss I will make sure it is safe."

"Okay um thank you, so I'll just go now then?" I hesitantly step forward to see if the house elf will walk with me. She doesn't move however and instead just waves at me.

I keep walking out of the library and follow the corridors towards Dumbledore's office. I wonder what he wants?

As I reach the bottom of his staircase I take a deep breath before placing my foot on the first step, as I climb the slow moving staircase my heart begins to pound louder and faster.

"Come in Miss Potter" Dumbledore's voice calls to me before I have even begin to knock. Hesitantly I push open the heavy door and step inside, my eyes widen slightly as I see the other people inside of the room.

Professor Snape is stood beside Dumbledore's desk along with Moody.

"Hello my dear, come on in and take a seat if you please." Dumbledore smiles at me as he gestures towards a chair in the middle of his office.

"Thank you" I mutter as I sit down looking to Snape for guidance.

The three men stand in front of me in silence as they watch me sit down.

"Um what's going on?" I look at all three of them in turn before my eyes land on Dumbledore who is raising his hands slightly.

"This won't take a second Miss Potter." As he waves his hand a heavy darkness falls over my mind and eyes. The last thing I remember is the feeling of the wooden chair against my back as I slump backwards heavily.

The diary of Cedric Diggory.

Friday the 24th February.

Just like it was in the first task today I have not been able to sleep a wink. Once again Felix helped me out with a few spare pills he had to keep me awake long enough for me to hopefully see this task done with.

Unlike the first task however today I did venture down to breakfast despite the growing nerves inside of my stomach. Only one thing is dragging me towards that hall and that is the fact I know Ang will be waiting at the Hufflepuff table for me. I have faith in the spell I have to do to complete this task, I know I can do it well.

"Morning Diggory" people smack me on the shoulder as I walk through the hall already dressed in my kit for the task.

I nod and smile as I walk past them all looking around for Ang, I take a seat besides Poppy and her friend Ginny as I continue to look around.

"Have you seen her?" I mutter to Poppy as I pour myself a large mug of coffee my hands shake from the pills.

"Who?" Poppy looks up at me as she chews on a piece of toast.

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