66. Fire on the pitch

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The rain outside is loud even from inside the Slytherin changing rooms, it seems the wind whips around us as we all stand or sit around waiting for Montague. Crabbe and Goyle both sit on either side of me in silence their faces drawn into heavy frowns, I can tell that they are even more nervous than usual due to the lack of food in their hands.

Sighing I pull my legs up onto the bench in front of me, wrapping my arms around my knees and resting my head forwards.

"Hey" suddenly a quiet voice breaks my brief rest, I look up to see Draco standing over me his green kit making his blonde hair stand out more than usual.

"Hi" I offer back without a smile, things have been awkward between us since our argument in the corridor. During our prefect duties last night we avoided speaking one word to each other the whole time.

Draco offers me his hand "come outside quickly with me would you?"

Ignoring his hand I push myself into a standing position and nod at him curtly before walking past him, stopping just outside the door of the changing room. The rain falls down heavily and my kit begins to stick to me.

Draco stands in front of me pushing his now soaking hair from his eyes, raising his wand he mutters a charm causing the rain to stop hitting us. Looking up I see a slight transparent umbrella shape shielding us both.

"You're gonna have to show me how to do that" I gesture to his wand.

Malfoy smiles slightly "can we be friends again if I show you it?"

I sigh looking at him carefully "you know I hate bullies Draco, you know I hate that mean needless teasing. Harry had to experience it last year, and you've seen the letters I've been receiving. Of course I'm not going to be okay with the way you're treating Ron."

Draco rolls his eyes and shakes his head "the letters you have been receiving from grown adults full of death threats isn't even slightly comparable to the typical school yard teasing that we are aiming at Weasley. Its just badges and a song for Merlin's sake."

"Please don't do the bloody song Draco." I look up at the blonde boy my eyes wide "please, just call it off."

Draco sighs heavily "for fuck sake" he looks away from me with a frown on his face "fine I'll ask them but I doubt they'll listen to me. That's all I can do though okay? I'll ask."

I smile widely and grab his hand squeezing it "thank you." Draco offers me a tight smile back as he walks towards the pitch.

"Where are you going?" I call after him.

Draco throws his hands up in mock frustration "to follow your orders!" He offers me a quick smile before turning back around and walking away.

I stand smiling after his figure for a few seconds, before I look up in shock.

"Thank fuck" I smile at the sky as the heavy rain seems to have mostly stopped leaving light grey clouds overhead only.

"Angelica!" Montague's fierce yell comes from inside the changing room as he stares at me through the open door "get in here now!"

Sighing I run back into the changing room taking a seat whilst Montague begins his pre-game debrief.

"Right I want a nice clean game okay?" Madam Hooch stands between the two teams looking around at us all. On her whistle I push my feet into the muddy ground allowing my broom to fly higher than the rest of the players. Circling the stadium I keep my eyes alert for even the slightest glint of gold, I can feel Harry flying beneath me doing the exact same thing.

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