69. Cedrics list

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Hermione sits across from me in the kitchen skimming the book Lupin had given me. She nods and mutters to herself occasionally as she flicks through the pages easily. Ron sits besides me eating loudly his red hair hanging across his forehead, sitting back in my chair I bask in the silence between us. It's rare for the three of us to be alone without some sort of adult walking around. Merlin knows where Harry is right now, I assume with Sirius.

Hermione smiles up at me "well I can see why he suggested this one."

Rolling my eyes I bite into the sandwich Mrs Weasley had made me. I swallow loudly "he claims he didn't make the connection but I'm not sure I believe him."

Hermione chuckles as she passes the book back to me "well I personally always enjoy books that I can relate to, perhaps this book will allow you to connect with it."

Ron looks at Hermione with his eyebrows raised "I thought your favourite books were the big boring ones?"

Hermione stares at him, confusion written across her face "what? Why? Anyway no book is really boring is it? What do you mean anyway, why would you think I liked big boring books?"

Ron simply shrugs as he carries on eating his sandwich his thoughts already moved on to a different topic in his mind.

Hermione turns to look at me her face confused, I laugh slightly at her bemused look. Who knows what Ron is thinking, there's no use in trying to understand it.

Changing the subject before they inevitably begin to argue I place my sandwich down. "I've spent most of my free time reading up on defence against the dark arts to be honest." I sigh and rest my chin in my hand "I mean seriously what the fuck is Umbridge really teaching us?"

Ron grunts "damn right, nobody has any idea what's shes doing. I mean seriously no spells allowed? Just reading from a book with no physical practice, it makes no sense."

Hermione leans back slightly "well we have actually found a solution for that."

I sit upright "no way? What is it?"

Ron looks at Hermione from the side of his eyes, Hermione shifts slightly and looks behind me into the empty hallway.

"Well" Hermione clears her throat, her whole demeanour is uncomfortable "actually Harry has been teaching a few of us how to correctly do spells. Things that Lupin taught him or he has picked up over the years. Things that Umbridge is meant to be teaching us this year."

I feel myself stiffen, so that's why they seemed so hesitant to tell me. "Harry's teaching you guys, and you said a few of you. Who else is he teaching?"

Hermione pushes her hair away from her face "oh um a few other Gryffindors, a Ravenclaw or two and I think maybe even a couple of Hufflepuffs."

I bite my bottom lip "ah, well that's good I suppose." I smile "it's good you guys are getting taught, hopefully when it comes round to our O.W.L.S you will all be ready for them."

Ron continues chewing as he watches me awkwardly, his face turning slightly pink.

Hermione smiles at me tightly "well why don't you come along?"

Ron stops chewing suddenly and stares at Hermione with his mouth wide open.

I shake my head "no,no it's fine. I'm sure people will be uncomfortable if I come."

Hermione waves her hand "don't be silly, you should come! I'm sure everyone will want you to learn with us, plus Harry's a great teach-". She cuts off her sentence as her eyes shift to something behind me.

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