56. The eve of...

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As the days grow warmer the atmosphere changes at Hogwarts, the excitement from the second task has soon passed and now everybody is focused on their exams. Cedric luckily doesn't have any this year due to him taking part in the tournament so whilst I sit revising in the library he is sat besides me trying to remember as many random spells, hexes and charms as he can.

On one particularly rainy day in mid May I find myself slumped over a desk in the library, a page of my potions book is stuck to my face as I lay my head on it.

"Eurgh! This is torture, honestly and truly I actually believe this is torture." I close my eyes as I continue to internally groan.

"They are exams Angelica" Blaise is sat on the desk opposite Cedric and I, he slams his book shut loudly causing Madam Prince to hush him from her corner of the library. His French accent is thick due to him speaking French more often to the Beuxbaton girls. "We have them every year, and every year you behave pathetically like this. Why is that?"

Poppy snorts from her desk nearby that she and Ginny are sharing. She looks up from her notes "it's insane isn't it? It's as if every year she forgets about the existence of exams and then as soon as they come around it's like a stroppy, petulant child."

I sit up quickly "hey! I'm not a child!"

Cedric chuckles as he rubs at my cheek with the sleeve of his robe "you have ink from the page all over you."

Blaise laughs as he picks his quill back up "I don't know why you complain so much anyway, you always do well in exams."

Ginny groans "she's one of those annoying people that swear they haven't revised and claims to hate exams but then gets full marks every-time anyway."

Poppy nods in agreement "ugh they are the worst."

Cedric and Blaise both nod their heads as well.

Instead of thinking of an intelligent comeback I instead choose to show each of my friends my middle finger in turn, this causes Ginny to burst out laughing before she grows silent all of us looking around terrified for Madam Prince.

"Students!" A loud voice calls out into the library.

"Who is that?" Blaise mutters as he stands up to peer around the bookshelf our desks are hidden behind.

"Students!" The voice calls out again "under Headmaster Dumbledore's orders all of you are to return to your common rooms at once!"

Blaise returns "it's Professor Sprout and she looks worried, come on."

We all begin to gather our things quickly as we file out of the library talking in hushed whispers.

Professor Sprout stops our group just outside of the library, her usual smiley face is instead set into a worried frown.

"Mr Diggory and Miss Meadows I trust that you will both walk Miss Weasley to her common room safely before returning to the Hufflepuff one together?" Professor Sprout is looking at Cedric with wide eyes.

Cedric nods quickly "yes of course Professor, we will take her now."

Cedric, Poppy and Ginny all wave goodbye at Blaise and I before they head off to Gryffindor tower.

Sprout then turns to Blaise and I and rests a hand on our shoulders "go along to the Slytherin common room now, Professor Snape will be by shortly to make sure everyone is inside safely."

Blaise and I simply nod before we turn and walk away towards the dungeons are shoulders touching.

Blaise mutters under his breath as he pulls out his wand.

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