19. That bludger is a bugger

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*Hey! I made a new insta for Wattpad- ElleRoseDior pls follow it!*

Since the night of Halloween Hogwarts has not felt the same. There is a sense of fear and danger in the air, students walk around whispering in small groups gossiping about the threat written in blood left on the wall and Mrs Norris' frozen body. No one seems to understand the meaning of it however and new conspiracies are being created every minute.

I haven't been able to spend much time with Harry to ask him about that night, between classes we were able to exchange a few quick words of hello and that's all. Today after potions I made sure to hurry out so I could take my brother aside and quiz him properly.

"Harry wait" I call out through the small crowd of Gryffindors, who are all leaving the classroom in a hurry eager to get away from Professor Snape. Heads turn to look at me in curiosity but I ignore them all, pushing roughly past until I am stood next to Harry.

"Hey Ang" Harry offers me a weary smile, Ron stands behind Harry and throws me a very quick wave before Hermione drags him away by his sleeve.

I scowl at the back of the frizzy girls head as she and Ron both walk away from me quickly, Harry clears his throat drawing my attention back to him.

I smile at my brother and we walk in step with each other towards the library both desperate to get started on the large amount of homework Snape set. "So" I break the silence between us "that whole writing on the wall thing was pretty crazy huh?"

Harry's steps falter slightly "hm yeah" he simply mumbles back at me his head hanging low.

"Harry" I stop my brother from walking any further and pull him to the side of the corridor standing very close to his face "please tell me the truth." I stare into my twins eyes and hold his hand "did you put those words on that wall?"

Harry's mouth drops open in shock and his eyes widen "what? No of course not? Do you really think I would do that to a cat?"

I narrow my eyes slightly "no I don't. But I don't understand what you were doing there in the first place?"

Harry lowers his eyes and the shocked hurt expression slides from his face only to be replaced by one of uneasiness. He sighs deeply and looks back up at me his eyes searching mine "I can't explain it Ang I would sound crazy. It was just-".

Harry cuts himself off sharply and takes another deep breath "it was just a weird coincidence. I did not do that to Mrs Norris and I did not write those words on the wall believe me please."

I stare at my brother for a second certain that he is holding something back from me "fine" I nod my head disappointed in his answer as I let go of his hand "I believe you."

We begin to walk in step again along the corridor.

"Who do you think it was then?" I ask curious to know what he believes. Everybody seems to have a different theory, Blaise thinks it was just a stupid prank by some seventh years trying to scare us all on Halloween. Malfoy is convinced it was some Slytherin desperate to prove themselves to their friends, and oddly enough most people I talk to are sure it was Harry.

"I'm going to be honest with you" Harry lowers his voice slightly and leans his head closer to mine "Hermione, Ron and I think that it could very well be Malfoy."

I let out a loud laugh and stare at my brother in bewilderment "seriously?" I laugh again "Malfoy didn't do that Harry."

Harry rolls his eyes at me "well of course you think that, but Ang you have to admit nobody else says mudblood except from him. It's a pretty big coincidence."

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