52. Amos Diggory

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Cedric and I spend the next few hours feeling each other all other, the high from discovering the riddle fuelling our desires for one another.

Cedric holds me gently as he presses against me, he constantly asks if I'm okay or if it is hurting too much. I reassure him that there is no pain, only love. I can feel it radiating between us, in our words, in our kisses, in our movements. In every thrust there is just love, love and passion.

Soon the exhaustion of the night catches up with me and I lay in Cedric's arms as my eyes seem to close on their own accord.

It's fine, I'll just close them for five minutes. I only need five minutes...

Fingers brush gently down my spine and then slowly through my hair, I keep my eyes closed and lean into the warmth of a chest beneath my cheek. I can feel the soft heartbeat as the chest rises and falls with each breath, feeling perfectly at peace I slowly open my eyes to see an intricate pattern of coloured glass casting shapes on the ceiling.

Wait, where the hell am I?

I sit up quickly looking around and my eyes slowly adjust to the semi dark space, marble walls and floors immediately allow me to realise where I am. The candles have gone out and the moon that was in the sky has turned to a pre sunrise greyness. I look besides me to see a half asleep Cedric laying on the floor next to me, his robes laying out under his body as a sort of sheet.

"Ced" I shake him gently as I stand up reaching for my dress.

"Mmmm" he hums his eyes flickering open, he smiles as he sees me. His smile drops however as I shoot him a pointed look. "What is it?"

"What's the time Cedric? How long have we been here?" I manage to awkwardly half zip my dress up and grab my jewellery and wand in my hand.

Cedric's eyes widen as he realises what I mean "oh fuck" he looks at his wrist watch and jumps up quickly grabbing for his trousers. "It's five o'clock in the morning, the ball finished hours ago."

I groan running a hand through my hair as Cedric pulls on his shoes and shirt before grabbing the rest of his clothes in his hand and placing his golden egg under the other arm.

"Come on" he says quietly leading me out of the bathroom and back into the fifth floor corridor.

"Don't walk back with me Ced, you go to your common room and I'll walk to mine alone."

Cedric shakes his head annoyed "as if Angelica, I'm not leaving you to walk around at these hours alone. Especially after last night I'm not doing that."

I step towards him and gently kiss him on the lips "trust me Ced, it's better that we aren't found together at this time. If we are caught alone we can think of excuses as to why we are out. You can say you were solving your egg and I can say that I left Mrs Zabinis jewellery somewhere and have been searching for it all night."

Cedric still looks worried but nods in agreement "fine okay, it is better I suppose."

I smile as I kiss him once again, this time I press my lips slowly against his leaving them to stay there for several seconds. Cedric groans slightly as he steps into the kiss.

Footsteps sound from the corridor behind us and we pull apart quickly, Cedric looks around worried before looking back at me one last time.

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