13. Océane Zabini

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In the following days after I arrived at the Zabini household Blaise and I spent our time wandering through the streets of London. Our days were filled with him showing me all the tourist attractions and teaching me all of the hidden magic histories. Like where all the witches trials were held and where the real witches would then escape to.

Who knew that King James I hid hundreds of real witches and wizards in the basements of St James' Palace during the trial of the Pendle Witches in 1612?

Mrs Zabini fixed my broken arm with a simple tap of her wand meaning that I wasn't weighed down by a heavy cast on my arm for the rest of my summer. Although she was always lovely and kind to me I was still extremely intimidated by the woman and found it hard to be around her alone.

Poppy wrote to me everyday as she still felt extremely guilty about there not being enough space for me at her grandmothers cottage even though I told her over and over again that I understood. Draco often wrote to Blaise asking him how his summer was and Blaise would reply with parchment rolls full of our different activities.

Harry had attempted to send a letter to me with Hedwig a few days after I arrived at Blaise's. However I had been refusing to open a single letter from my pathetic twin brother and had instead resorted to simply throwing them under my bed.

One week before Blaise and I were due to return to Hogwarts we received our official book lists whilst sat on the large terrace over looking the garden.

Mrs Zabini sat opposite us on a patio chair her silk gown flowing around her, she leaned backwards with her head facing the sun as she drank from her expensive glass of champagne.

Classical music carried out from within the house, the glass windows and doors all hung open to allow a steady breeze to carry through the large home.
Blaise sat next to me on a patio bench with his long legs stretched out in front of him whilst he picked at his breakfast on the table.

Just as I was reaching for a particularly ripe looking strawberry a brown barn owl swooped in front of me dropping two envelopes onto the garden table. Blaise and I both reached forwards grabbing for the envelope with our names on, as I tore it open I notice Mrs Zabini having her champagne flute filled to the brim by one of the many house elves.

"I assume this our booklist for second year?" Blaise mutters as he reads the parchment in front of him.

My eyes scan over the list as I read quickly taking in all of the new books "I'm noticing a common theme here, aren't you Blaise?" I ask my friend slightly amused.

"Hmm it seems we have seven new books for defence against the dark arts all by the same author" Blaise chuckles and places his parchment down as he grabs a freshly baked croissant from the table.

I giggle back at my friend "who is this person? Gilderoy Lockhart? I've never even heard of him."

Mrs Zabini lowers her flute from her red lips and looks at the two of us with a perfect raised eyebrow "Gilderoy Lockhart did you both just say?"

Blaise nods his head "Yes mama that's what it says here."

Mrs Zabini lets out a low laugh "that fraud is on your teaching curriculum now is he?"

This catches my interest and I place my parchment down to look at the intimidating woman in front of me "why is he a fraud Mrs Zabini, do you know him?"

Mrs Zabini takes another sip of her champagne and smiles at me "thankfully I do not know him personally no. But I have certainly been at parties where he has been, the man is obsessed with himself. He has to be the biggest narcissist I have ever met."

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