68. Remus and Sirius

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As I lay in Regulus' old bedroom, the memories of summer flood back to me. How miserable I had felt, how alone and burdened my mind was.

My heart may still be broken but it had begun to mend since being at Hogwarts this year. Being back in this room however just reminds me how hurt I really am.

The black and grey walls loom over me as the afternoon sun soon fades away, the lone candle in the corner of the room burns slowly it's flame creating shadows around me. The ghosts of my mind laughing and crying as they watch me laying here hopeless and alone.


"Angelica?" I turn my head to see Sirius standing in the doorway, he leans casually against the frame of the door his face tired and lined.

"Hi" I sit up awkwardly, resting my back against the bed frame I gesture with my hand "you can come in you know."

Sirius smiles "actually I was going to tell you to come downstairs with me."

I tilt my head slightly "but everyone's at the hospital seeing Mr Weasley." I frown as I think back to my conversation with Moody the night before.


"Absolutely not."

I sit in front of Moody my arms crossed across my chest, the wooden kitchen chair sticks into my back as I glare at the man across from me "why not?"

Moody growls slightly his magic eye not moving away from my face "Dumbledore, Snape and I have all explained very clearly as to why you are not to leave this house. The magical world knows who you are, you are still receiving death threats daily. In what magical realm would it be safe for you to be wandering the streets of London?"

"But I want to see Arthur" I look to Mrs Weasley desperately "I want to know that he's okay."

Molly smiles softly at me as she places a hand on her heart "that's very sweet dear, and I'm sure Arthur would appreciate it." She sighs as she drops her hand "but I agree with Moody, not only would it not be safe for you. But it may put Arthur in danger, if you were to walk into a magical hospital so many people may recognise you. I can't risk that for you or for him my dear."

I bite my bottom lip as I look at Mrs Weasley. Her eyes are kind but there is a sense of protective fierceness battling within them also, I know she is right. I can't put Arthur in any more danger than he is already in.

"Fine" I turn my glare back towards Moody "fine I won't go to the hospital. At least let me go outside for a while please, this house it's killing me."

Sirius snorts from his seat at the table "you're telling me."

Lupin shoots him a very pointed glare before looking back at me his face neutral "it wouldn't be safe Angelica."

"Safe?" I yell out throwing my arms up in defeat "safe? You think it's safe leaving me locked in this house whilst you're all leaving daily? Leaving me alone to lay in my room all day? How do you think that's making me feel?"

Harry leans forward resting his elbows against the table as he snaps angrily at me "well maybe it's not about you right now." His voice is sharp but his eyes don't quite meet mine as he says it.

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