Chapter 45

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'I know they will, and I don't care.' Hisoka mentally answered you.

Feeling encouraged by the crazy pulsating of your neck vein against Hisoka's hands, he decided to go all in front of his gang.

However like a sign from God that kissing in front of people was a grand mistake, Hisoka's named was screamed awfully loud within the darkness.

Remembering the danger of being seen like this with a gang member, you swiftly took several steps back until you were totally engulfed by the darkness - causing Hisoka's hands that held your face frozen in midair as if your face was still there. Moment completely ruined.

"THE FUCK MAN!!" Both Hidan and Grimmjow screamed at the top of their lungs in frustration upon seeing such an intense moment be destroyed, not really caring anymore that Hisoka and you heard them scream - making it obvious they were watching.

"Who the fuck is that!? Turn the damn lights on." Grimmjow screamed to the DJ that was probably in control of the lights too.

Having the entire hall lit up, Hisoka's eyes found you cleaning up as you were always meant to do to make it appear nothing was going on to whoever interrupted.

Slowly bringing his hands back down to his sides, Hisoka physically couldn't take his eyes off you. The moment that was building up to that kiss was like nothing he ever felt before.

For the first time he personally acknowledged that his heart was growing potentially fond of you, and just like you, he accepted that you were the cause of his chest feeling oddly warm and hurt from such rapid heartbeats. That kiss was like the deal sealer for him. The most emotional kiss he would of ever given to anyone, topping even the previous kisses you and him shared . But it was all ruined. Ruined by people that weren't even worth his time.

Two hard die gold digging whores. Oh he was beyond angry.

"Hisoka!! There you are! We have been looking all over for you!" The one woman shrieked as they both walked towards him.

Noticing that Hisoka was reaching for his gun, his entire group rushed to his side and took the gun away from him on the down low as they acted joyful although they knew their leader was pissed off and wanted kill these two girls right now.

"Oh you were looking for him? Well sorry about that because we were actually just leaving." Being Sabastian, he tried to defuse the situation before he had to deal with two dead bodies. Three including the DJ he would had to also kill because he would be a witness.

" Really? Where too? Maybe we can tag along! " The annoying blonde replied, trailing her finger down Hisoka's chest - causing his irritation to grow more. Especially upon thinking that it was supposed to be you that would've been touching him right now.

"Stay away from me." Hisoka seethed before forcefully walking away, breaking the 'friendly' shoulder drape that Grimmjow had around him to prevent him from acting out.

Stopping halfway down the hall, Hisoka watched you go about your business. Finally your eyes met his.
Pausing your cleaning, you froze the second you stared into those dangerous eyes that could trap you into an abyss. Knowing everyone is staring, you couldn't help but feel uncomfortable and look away from Hisoka.

Having Hisoka walk entirely out the hall, Hidan came to you with a mission.

"Can I just see what - '' He didn't even complete his sentence before nearing you to see what was one the necklace Hisoka gave you.

" Fuck.. Okay thank you! " He tried to mask his astonishment before returning back to the group and leave with them.

"Bruh there's a fucking Joker card attached to the Queen of hearts card! That's a direct message isn't it? " Hidan reported back to everyone in a hushed manner.

Each Other's End Game. (Hisoka X Reader🔞)|Modern|Anime CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now