Chapter 4

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Hearing the soft playing music get disrupted by a notification chime, Hisoka looked at the car screen and saw a message from an unsaved number pop up.

'Hey! thanks for listening to us and distancing yourself from those two. Just a friendly warning that if we see you overly spend your time with them we will tell everyone the truth about what you did 2 years ago. I know you don't care about your rep getting ruined, but news like that can make your scholarship go away isn't? Anyways just a reminder, don't be selfish!'

"Figured those girls had something to do with you ditching class and lying to Itachi." Hisoka lowly murmured out aloud to himself whilst glancing over to you, now highly curious about what you did 2 years ago that could make your scholarship he never even knew you had, go away.

"Have to get good grades to keep a scholarship, no wonder all you do is study." He spoke to himself.

Seeing you stir slightly at the sound of his voice, Hisoka changed the screen back to the song and focused his eyes back on the road.

Slowly sitting up straight, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and looked at Hisoka." How long was I out for?" Speaking in a hushed tone - still a bit out of it.

"About 50 minutes, we should be arriving soon."

"You don't need to drop me off right in front of my house. A few blocks away is fine."

Cocking a suspicious brow at an odd request, Hisoka couldn't help but ask why.

"Uh, I want to walk for bit. Let the exercise and fresh air wake me up a bit so I can study for awhile."

There it was again. The biting of your bottle lip.

Knowing it will be a futile battle to get you to tell him the truth, Hisoka simply agreed.

Making sure you got everything, you unclipped the seat belt.

"Here is fine. "

Coming to a smooth halt you looked sincerely at Hisoka. "Thank you for tonight Hisoka. The food, company and the drive. Ontop of the one favor I owe, I now owe you 3 more."

"Don't you forget that now~" He said before handing back your phone that was in his pocket.

"Never." You sweetly smiled at him before jumping out the car.

Walking a few feet from his car, he noticed you stopped walking once you looked down at your phone - assumingly reading the message from Sakura.

Turning back around, you waved goodbye even though his windows were darkly tinted - knowing he was still watching.
Taking that wave as a cue to leave Hisoka reversed back and drove off.

It only took 30 seconds for Hisoka to stop the car. Letting his curious nature get the better of him, Hisoka turned off his lights and drove back very slowly to cancel all and any sounds of his engine. Parking next to a bush no where near a street light that disguised his car perfectly, he watched you walk down the closed off street. He couldn't stop wondering why you would want him to drop you off a few blocks away from your house.

Seeing you reach your house that had one light still on, he noticed you didn't open the door, but walked slowly, assumingly quietly to the window that was lit up and peeped through the slit of the curtains. Watching your head droop down in frustration, you walked away from the front door to the side of the house and sat against the wall with your knees upright.

Kniting his thin eyebrows together, he couldn't understand your actions. At first he thought that you didn't want to enter because someone was still up and you didn't want them to catch you coming home late. But then he remembered that you stay over at Itachi's almost all the time. Living with another man was far more excessive to be upset about than coming home late if your parents were strict.

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