Chapter 64

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"Hey y/n! Long time no see!" Grimmjow managed to catch up to you.

Looking at him a bit surprised from the sudden appearance, you genuinely smiled at Grimmjow, happy to see a familiar face.

"H-hey, yes it has been quite a bit of time. What are you doing here? Are you okay?" You asked with an undertone of concern.

'Damn.. Your life is a mess and you still worry about someone else.' Grimmjow thought with a subtle ache in his heart for you.

"Yeah I'm okay, I just came for a general check up." He lied, not wanting to tell you that Hisoka was here.

"A-and you? How are you and the baby?" He asked, noticing your happy demeanor become more morbid.

"Oh we both okay. No complaints." You lied too.

Grimmjow wanted nothing more than to call you out on your lie and let you know he heard everything, but the fact that someone like you lied about something really meant you didn't want to talk about it or burden anyone. Besides you were pregnant, the last thing Grimmjow wanted to do was potentially upset you.

".. That's good news y/n.. So did you come here for a check up?" He tried to make conversation with you.

Smiling gently at him, "I actually came for a sonogram appointment and to get some normal meds to ensure the baby grows perfectly healthy and stuff."

"Sonogram? Oh damn! Can I see the picture?" Grimmjow excitedly asked, why? Because he saw you as his younger sister. So he was genuinely excited for you about this and wanted to be apart of it somehow.

"O-oh sure. " You stammered, a bit taken off guard by such a request, but nonetheless happy to share the sonogram picture you had no one else to show.

As you dug in your bag, you were oblivious to the red haired man that stood several metres away from you at your side. A red haired man that hasn't seen you around for 4 months because he made it clear he never wanted to see your face ever again, so although you and him lived in the same town you seemed to make sure you never crossed his vision ever again like he requested.

Trailing his eyes from your noticeable baby bump you covered relatively well by your dress, Hisoka's eyes stopped at your face.
You were still as beautiful as Hisoka remembered you.. But just as Sabastian explained, you definitely did look ill and emotionally broken. You didn't have that pregnancy glow everyone spoke about, your skin was pale, the area around your eyes were subtly sunken, your smile was sad, your eyes lost its sparkle, they too were sad. You were far from the chirpy and lively Y/n he used to know. You looked so tired of everything. So broken. It almost seemed that if you weren't pregnant you would've given up long ago after Itachi's death. Hisoka definitely broke your soul by kicking you out.

"Here.." You distantly muttered before handing over the picture to Grimmjow.

"That's the baby. Not fully developed, but it's slowly taking shape." You circled the area with your finger to show Grimmjow nicely although there were a few markings to indicate where the baby was.

"So far the baby is healthy, thank god.." You trailed off, obviously concerned that your health was going to affect your daughter.

"Wow.. This is inside you." Grimmjow seemed mind blown about the concept of a baby growing in another human being.

"C-can I?" He neverously asked, looking down at your stomach as an indication that he wanted to touch it only if you were comfortable with him doing so.

Smiling partially at him once more, you nodded your head lightly in agreement.

Catiously and slowly, Grimmjow rested his one hand over your tummy, finally being able to breath.

"W-woah.." He shakily gasped, making you chuckle a bit from his reaction.

"Yeah, there's another human being in me." You acknowledged his previous comment.

"You know the last time I felt a pregnant woman's stomach was when my mother was pregnant with my baby sister.." Grimmjow reminisced bitter-sweetly about his past.

With your lips tugging partially downwards upon remembering the similar story of your own Grimmjow told you about his past, you placed your hand over your stomach as well.

" At least they are in a better place now huh?.. '' You mused Grimmjow out of his deep thoughts.

" Definitely.. And because of what you went through too, I know you will be a great mother. Very loving I can tell."

With an aching heart, you rubbed your tummy protectively with much affection. "I can only try and give my child everything in life.." You distantly spoke, obviously concerned about if you could do this on your own without financial trouble.

"That reminds me." Grimmjow reluctantly took his hand off your stomach and looked back up at you.

"I wanted to tell you a long time ago that if you ever need any sort of help, I'm always more than willing to help you out y/n." He wholeheartedly offered.

Immediately shaking your head in disapproval, your eyes became wary, thinking of Hisoka..

"No. Thank you for the offer but I'll be okay. I'll do it all on my own." You curtly replied. Giving a tight hug to Grimmjow, you said your goodbyes and abruptly left, not daring to associate yourself with friends of Hisoka anymore. How could you forget.

"Wait! You forgot your -"

Already out the door, "Sonogram." Grimmjow muttered. Sighing, he turned back around only for his anger to return because he saw Hisoka watching.

Pushing past him, Grimmjow slammed the picture against his chest simultaneously. "A picture of your fucking baby that you should be taking care of." The blue brute seethed before disappearing, totally giving zero damns that Hisoka was his leader.

Reluctantly looking down at the picture, Hisoka's entire world froze in time and space. With a heavy heart, out of no where this sudden bond developed for his child. He knew he had a baby out there, but seeing a sonogram of his first child put everything in perspective. Reality crashed down ten fold upon seeing this precious life you and him created.

Seeing Hisoka's demeanour change and grow extremely engrossed in that picture, Sabastian quitely left Hisoka's side to give him privacy. Deep down the black butler truly hoped that after seeing a picture of his child he would reconsider everything. He feared that without Hisoka's intervention, both you and the baby will not survive out in the world. Not for just your sake but for his. Ever since you left Hisoka had been reborn into a ruthless mass murderer and power house.

His wealth and business increased exponentially with his anger and bitterness. The old Hisoka was calm, collected and calculative. Not hot-headed and unnecessarily violent. It was as if whatever shreds of humanity, peace and kindness Hisoka had within him left with you.

He needed you just as much as you needed him.

Reminiscing on all his time with you, Hisoka couldn't help but feel that he should take you back. Hearing that you were extremely ill and struggling uncessarialy in life because of him didn't sit well with him. However the more he was falling victim to sympathy and become a slave to his feelings for you, logic and rationality settled in. You were safer without him.

However Hisoka failed to realize that you were out there on your own, unguarded and void from being at his side. Was that not more dangerous? Or was giving the impression that you and him weren't a thing anymore to the world is what would keep you safe?

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